Chapter 13

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"I have to practice my Spanish now, uh... Bonjour!!!" he smiled proudly making me giggle at his silliness, "Babe, that's French." I move closer and kiss the side of mouth making him groan, "Tease." He muttered playfully scowling me.

"Aww I'm sorry did wittle Trevor want a kiss?" I pouted moving my face closer to his so we were centimetres away, when seeing him slowly nod I smirk and move away, but only slightly because I didn't want to get lost in the crowd even if it was only small.

"Too bad, we're in public." I shrugged making his eyes grow wide as he began to give me the puppy eyes. Aww dammit, 'okay Rachel look away now!' I instruct myself turning away from Trevor's gaze.

"Rachel..." Trevor sang wrapping his strong arms around my waist pulling me into him.

"C'mon, you can't stay away from me...." He spoke softly in me ear, the urge to turn around and kiss him was quickly increasing, but I had to show him that I was strong and he didn't control my emotions, even though he totally did, but I would never admit that to him.

Trevor chuckled beside me shaking his head as he smiled, "Oh but you just did."

My eyes widened, "D-did I-" "Just say that out loud, yes." He smiled kissing my neck, "and it's great to know what effect I have on you." He whispered, he kissed me at the side of my mouth, just like what I did with him, "Tease..." I murmured mimicking his words as we finally reached our destination.

Blair stood at the entrance at the car impatiently tapping his foot. he ushered us into the car and we made our way to our hotel.


"Oh don't you just love the warmth of the sun!" Emma exclaimed as we lay on our sunbathing mats on the strangely empty beach. It was around 3pm, Trevor was at an interview so I was told to have the day off, well half the day. I still had to perform tonight but I didn't mind that. But for now I was just enjoying the sun with Emma.


"C'mon, we're already five minutes late!" I called over my shoulder to Emma who was trying to catch up to me as we ran to the arena, we were a bit late if you didn't already notice....

"Rachel watc-" "Oof." I gasped as I hit something and fell flat on my butt, or should I say someone...

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" The guys exclaimed helping me up, "it's fine." I told him brushing the dirt off my clothes. I looked up and jumped back in surprise... no.. no no no no it couldn't be,



Hehe cliffhanger!!!!

I feel really bad for the ending.....

Oops, well what do you guys think will happen? tell me in the comments!

Rachel out :p

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