Chapter 17

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"You met up with Chris?" Trevor roared in annoyance as I walked through the door, okay well someone leaked a picture...

"Trevor you don't understand!" I tried to explain only for him to shush me as he stormed over and showed me his phone.

"The Girlfriend of Trevor Moran cheating with her first love.." He scrolled to the next one and the next one after that and continued to read it out,

"Awkward hug or long lost lovers?"

"YouTube star Trevor Moran's Girlfriend reunited with ex.."

"What do these mean Rae?"

"Trev, you know what the Internet is like, they make up stories to try create drama, yes I saw Chris today, he saw me when I was sitting in the park after buying you something, we talked and that's it, we were saying goodbye and he suddenly hugged me! He immediately pulled away after seeing that I felt weird about it and left, like seriously, do you see me hugging him back?!"

I motioned to the picture pointing to me hands with were by my sides splayed out in shock. He turned his phone back around and studied the picture once again, his face softened and his muscles relaxed as he realised everything, "Rachel I'm sorry."

I shook my head and pulled him closer to me wrapping my arms around his waist, my head was placed against his chest as he wraps his hands around me, "I just thought..." "You didn't think, you freaked out because you thought I was cheating and even worse, with the one who crushed me, its okay I understand and I love you, okay? Remember that."

"I know, I love you too....I have something to tell you." He sighed pulling away and walking off towards the bed, "What's wrong?" I questioned nervously, it couldn't be anything that bad...right?

"The boys the want us to come back home before we go to our next stop on tour and do an o2l video." He told me, bowing his head even though I didn't see anything wrong with that, "Trev, why do you look upset over it?" I asked, walking over and rubbing his arm in comfort, he shook his head in shame not looking up at me, "It's a goodbye video, we're ending the o2l channel."

My entire body froze as i heard the shocking news, "Wait, you're not joking are you?" I asked, he shook his head once again and hundreds of questions began to roam my mind, 'Did something happen?' 'Was it my fault?' 'Did the boys see the articles and decided to end it?' 'Did a fight break out between them?'

"Did a fight break out between you's or what happened to make you guys decide this?"

"It's nothing like that! We're still family, it's just that we all have important things going on in our life that we want to focus on, me,it's being on tour with you and concentrating on my music, Ricky wants to continue with music as well and he has his collab month that he wants to get ready for and a bunch of other projects! Jc and Kian are starting a channel together, and I don't think they want to have to make more videos for the week, its' already stressful with two or three with the amount of editing they end up doing and Sam? I'm pretty sure he's joining the viners on tour...."

The mention of Sam and Viners caught my attention immediately, "Wait, seriously?" Trevor nodded shrugging his shoulders, "He's friends with basically all of them and they offered, so why shouldn't he?" "Okay, so when do we leave?" I ask, taking a seat on the bed beside Trevor as he sits down himself, "We're leaving tomorrow, doing the video that day, having a goodbye party and then we'll be back on track." He explained the plans to me and I nodded, "That fans will understand Trevor, it might take them a while to get use to but they'll understand."

Trevor nodded puing his hands through his hair as he sighed, "I can't believe it's happening though, we've been though so much with this channel and now it's just ending."

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