Chapter 1

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"Oh Rachel, I'm going to miss you so much." Ricky cried as he hugged me in a tighter embrace, we didn't care that we were standing in the middle of the airport, the other boys surrounding me and Trevor, we were about to go on Trevor's first World Wide Tour!

and he picked me to be his opening act! Our plane was leaving in twenty minutes giving us five minutes before we had to leave if we wanted to be there early.

I left Ricky till last because I knew this would be the hardest goodbye, he's my adoptive dad, and older brother and one of my best friends, even when we fight we always forgive each other and I can't think of my life without Ricky or any of these boys for that matter, they're my family.

"I'll miss you too Ricky, I love you." I whisper burying my head into his chest breathing in his cologne, the one I bought him for his last birthday, he uses it so much that he normally has to buy a new bottle every two months. I gently smiled at the thought.

"C'mon Rachel, lets go." Trevor says gently moving me out of Ricky's grasp and wraps a comforting arm around my shoulder, it was quiet at the airport, luckily no fans knew we were flying off today, they'll only know that after the boys post their vlogs where my face is all blotchy from crying and the boys are all crying while Sam is trying to hide it but fails miserably.

"Take care of her Trevor." Ricky says placing a firm hand on his shoulder, meaning he means business, "I will Ricky, I promise." Trevor replies reassuring him, "I know you will, aw Jesus boy c'mere."

Ricky says pulling Trevor into a hug, I giggled at the sight, But frowned when our flight was called alerting everyone that it was time,

"Well, I guess we have to go?" I sighed glancing over at the boys, they all wore sad expressions on their faces. "Yeah, lets go." Trevor sighed both of us grabbing our bags and leaving to board the plane.


After getting on the plane and finding our seats we put our carry on bags in the overhead compartment and sat down, both of us taking out our phones and plugging in our ear phones.

I immediately went onto my mixed music going into one of my main playlists that Ricky made for me and closed my eyes, placing my head on Trevor's shoulder.

I felt his hand go across my waist grabbing the seatbelt and buckling it closed. I murmured a thanks and soon fell asleep, snuggled into Trevor.


Sorry it's so short it's basically just a small filler to introduce the story :D hope yous all enjoy and if you haven't read the first book (Adopted by O2L) then I suggest you go read that first before you read any more :D thanks guys have an awesome week!!

Rachel out :p

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