Over :(

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Yes it's true, this book is over but have no fear the third and last book will be out before you know it... hopefully.

I have exams coming up and at the moment my biggest concern is studying because I haven't started yet and I need/want to at least get C's, ad I can't do that if I'm on here each day like I usually am xD


If you have any questions so far whether it be about the book, Rachel's journey so far or just anything else write them down here and I will answer them all ASAP!

I want to make sure none of you guys are confused or anything before we continue with the third book :)

Wow, I still can't believe it, the third book of the trilogy! that's absolutely insane! thanks so much for being with me on this awesome journey so far :D

So yeah, comment the questions you want answered down below and keep and eye out for the third book but don't worry I will say when it is up!

Rachel out x

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