Chapter 2

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We reached out hotel room in England at around 10am that morning, we were both exhausted due to the fact that we haven't a slept since we woke up to get our flight, but still we decided to stay awake and watch tv.

We were watching Adventure time when my stomach quietly growled in hunger. I got up but before I could go anywhere Trevor pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap, him hugging me from behind, "I'm so glad we can spend some time alone together."

He murmured kissing my cheek in the process, "How about we go out for dinner tonight? he suggests, I groan to myself, "Or, we could do that tomorrow night and just get room service now and then go to sleep?"

Trevor nodded, liking my idea more, probably because we both fell like we could sleep for a week.

After getting our food we both ate hungrily and then went over to the double bed and lay down, I snuggled into his warm chest inviting sleep to take over.


A strong loud knock on our door forced both me and Trevor awake from our short slumber. I pushed myself out of Trevor's arms and answered it tiredly, it was Blair, Trevor's manager (just a random name that came of the top of my head).

"Hey Rachel, is Trevor awake?" He asked, suddenly Trevor came up from behind me pulling on a pair of basketball shorts and his top half bare, "I am now, thanks for that."

Trevor replied groggily, his eyes half closed, "Well, I was hoping that the two of you's could do a quick meet and greet today, for possibly an hour just to excite the fans and meet them?" Blair wondered, the news excited me, but Trevor just moaned, "What time is it?"

I looked down at my hand to check the time only to forget that I didn't wear a watch. "It's four twenty and I was hoping that maybe you's could be ready for five?" He suggested, "Isn't that a bit too late for a meet and greet?"

I wondered allowed, Trevor nodded in agreement, but to be completely honest I think he just wanted to go back to sleep, "Yes, well, now that I think of it, I guess so." Blair admits,

"Hey, how about we do it tomorrow but me and Trevor will tweet about it today to give everyone a heads up?" I offered, anything to make the fans happy, and anyway, I love meeting them!

"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks for talking Blair, goodnight." Trevor says quickly shutting the door rudely in Blairs face, I turned around to him speechless,

"Why?" I simply asked and he shrugged, "I'm tired and cranky and I just want to sleep." He muttered like a child laying his head on my shoulder and hugging me from behind.

"Well, you can sleep after you tweet the fans about tomorrow." I instruct, he sighs buts nods walking over to the bed and grabbing his phone off the nightstand, I mimic his actions, grabbing my own phone and going onto twitter,

"Hey guys, so tomorrow me and @RachelDillon are going to be at the London Eye if any of you want to come and meet us #RevorInLondon."

Trevor said reading out his tweet, I nodded happily giggling at the little Revor hashtag, he posted it and it immediately got thousands of favourites, tweets and retweets, the notification button was going crazy,

I then, wrote my own saying almost the same thing except adding, "can't wait xx" at the end.

After putting our phones away we went back to bed, resuming the position we were in when we woke up, Trevor's arms wrapped around me and I snuggled comfortably into his chest.

Sleep over took Trevor quickly as soft snores escaped his mouth making me giggle quietly to myself, I simply couldn't go back to sleep, yes I was tired, but the thoughts of tomorrow excited me too much. After a while I was somehow able to calm my mind and I drifted off for the night in Trevor's warm embrace.


Okay we'll this was part 2, a bit boring, sorry bout that :/

If you have any suggestions for chapters or events to write about please leave them in the comments or PM me your idea, I kinda really need them because I only have a few, yes I have a storyline for this book and a few small ideas but that's about it xD

Hope you enjoyed, and if you did please give it a quick vote because it means a lot to me and it tells me that your starting to get into this book, and that you're will to read more, yea so comment down any ideas or if you have a question don't be afraid to ask either!!

See you next time,

Rachel out :p

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