Chapter 6

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*Quick Authors note*

Hey guys just to let you know I have a bit of writers block so this chapter may not be the best, I don't know what it is but It feels like my mind goes blank whenever I want to write so, if you have any ideas for fun chapters or anything that might inspire me to write about something then please if you can tell me in the comments, it would be much appreciated xx

*Chapter 6*

"So how are you and Trevor doing?" Connor asked me over the phone, it was 1pm here meaning it was a extremely early over there but neither of us minded as we caught up, Connor was the one that called me anyway.

"We're fine, did you get any news from Hadley? I haven't heard from her in a while..." I trail off, before Connor I tried to ring Hadley twice but she didn't answer.

"She might be asleep, I think she went to a party , I mean do you expect her to stay inside all day?" I sighed knowing Connor was probably right, "Yeah, I just wish I could catch up with her."

"Try again tomorrow or later on today, well maybe tonight for you and I'll try if I can later as well." I smiled in gratitude,

"Thanks Con... I'm going to go now, you're probably exhausted from the show." Connor chuckled but agrees, both of us saying goodbye before I hung up.

"You finished your call?" Trevor asked popping his head into the room, he left to get us take away, I nodded and slipped my phone into my jean pocket as I meet Trevor on our bed.

"Only one night 'til we go to Glasgow, we have a show there and then that night we have to fly to Ireland." Trevor spoke as he took the Chinese food out of the bag, he handed me a chicken fried rice while he had some noodles.

"I can't wait to go to Ireland! We should definitely do a meet and greet when we're there." I suggest, Trevor nods in agreement as he takes a bite of his food.

"Have you talked to any of the guys?" I asked him in attempt to make small talk, to stop a silence coming over us, he pauses for a second to swallow his food before answering,

"I talked to Kian and Sam and they said everyone was doing great, they didn't mention anything about Hadley though but I'm sure she's fine." He responds as if he knew what I was going to ask.

"Yeah, Connor said the same though and I'm still slightly worried." I admit placing the plastic fork into my dish and leaving it there, suddenly not hungry any more. Trevor sighs sadly, getting up and placing his food on the bedside table and draping his arm over my shoulders pulling me closer to him.

"Trust me, if Hadley was in trouble we would know, we'd feel something, well you would at least. She might be gone to a party, I mean she has made many friends and she still hangs out with Kirsten and that gang, I'll personally call her later when it's morning there and if she answers I'll give you the phone."

I nod as I stare down at my food, since the first time Hadley didn't answer I felt something was wrong, but I couldn't say anything because Trevor would just blame it on my worry. What was Hadley doing to make me feel worried?

Trevor frowns knowing I'm still worried, "Okay, I wasn't going to say anything, but, tomorrow, I've arranged for us to go somewhere that I'm sure will cheer you up, so, how about we watch some films until we have to go to the arena?" He suggests, I smile and nod. He gets up to turn on the tv and then joins me on the bed again and we watch multiply films until we had to leave. It was amazing and I definitely can't wait for tomorrow!


I'm sorry it's bad I actually kinda cringed while writing this because nothing happens and it's so bad Dx

So if you could can you suggest me anything you want to happen just so if I get stuck I could use one of those ideas, that would be great xx


Rachel out :p

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