Chapter 8

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The Glasgow show was absolutely amazing on the night. Everyone joined in when both me and Trevor were singing and everyone was cheering and dancing along.

We were on a plane to Ireland, it wouldn't take long to get there, less than one hour at most, and I was super pumped. I asked people on twitter where we should go and a ton of Irish fans suggested to going to Grafton Street when in Dublin. I also heard there was a Disney shop there.... this would be very interesting.

But first, we went to Belfast and played our shows and even had a small meet and greet for the people who couldn't get tickets. Everyone had an absolute amazing time, and Trevor got so much Fan made items and presents!

I didn't understand why people asked us to go to Grafton Street while we were in Dublin, but when we arrived I understood completely.

The sun shone brightly in the sky, giving people a reason to stay out in the busy streets, Street acts sang, playing guitars or dancing on the streets, creating small groups of people to listen, watch and enjoy while, maybe throwing some money into a guitar case or hat. There were these two guys, probably age seventeen and nineteen who I found amazing, I gave them a few euro when they finished their songs.

As we went up higher into the street I spotted the blue sign for the Disney store and immediately raced ahead like a little child giggling. "Rachel wait up!" Trevor panted as he ran up to me after I stopped at the entrance of the shop. "This is so amazing." I gawked at the shop, it wasn't big but, it was a suitable size for a city like this, in my opinion if it was any bigger it would move the people away from the street acts and the street acts wouldn't get many people to entertain.

I, being a complete child at heart, ran straight towards the Mickey Mouse section and scanned through all the teddies and DVDs, " Hey Rachel!" Trevor called making me spin around, I was surprise that we haven't been mobbed with the amount of times he's yelled my name and people looked over. I skipped over to him and glance what he was pointing at, immediately gasping, from baby Simba to Mike Wasoski (I'm sorry that's spelt wrong) to a big and small Stitch, this area was full of teddies.

I immediately took up the small Simba and Stitch teddies into my hands and brought them over to the counter, ignoring Trevor's protest on how I should look around first. Luckily the last person just finished paying for her items so the till was free,

"Hey welcome to The Disney Shop. I hope you found everything you were looking for, Are these for you?" She asked politely as she scanned both teddies, I nodded happily, "Yeah, I'm a big fan of Disney."

"That's awesome! Well we have a special offer on cups when you purchase an item, and since you bought two I will give you two for one if you're interested." She offered I smile and nodded and she led me over to the cup section. I picked out a Mickey and Minnie mug, where at the back if you put them together they create a heart either way. I can give one to Trevor for our third anniversary in a few weeks, three to be exact.

"Is that your boyfriend over there?" She asked, I turned around and saw Trevor, legs criss-crossed on the floor as he played with three children and a few disney toys left out for the kids, while their parents smiled and watched as the kids laughed at Trevor who was making a play with two of the princess dolls.

I giggle and turned back to the girl nodding. "Thats him, such an expert with kids." I responded, taking the bag when the lady, who I now know is named Jamie, handed it to me after I paid.

"Thanks, have a nice day!" She smiled, "You too." I nodded and walked over to Trevor. He glanced up and smiled when he saw me, "Excuse me ladies, my princess has arrived." He excused himself from the kids and waved a goodbye to the mums who gratefully smiled and waved back offering me a warm smile as well while I gladly returned.

"Aww, who's a little kid charmer." I joked bumping into his side. "Shut up." He smiled and blushed as we left the store and began to walk towards the park, where we spent some time sitting around, talking and laughing until it got dark and we had to go.


Yay chapters up a bit earlier than usual! hope you enjoy :D

Rachel out :p

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