Chapter 20

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*Hey Rachel, I know you're back on tour, wanna hang out?*

I sighed as I read the text over and over. Chris really wanted to talk, and he really wanted to make amends, but if Trevor found out... everything will turn bad.

Trevor, has still been acting weird, especially on the flight to our next destination where he basically ignored me the whole time. I don't know what to do, whenever I try to bring it up he defends himself saying that he's just 'not feeling well', but for almost a week?

Bull. Shit.

*Yeah sure, just give me a place and a time :)*

I quickly sent back just as Trevor left the bathroom into our hotel room, "Hey I think I'm gonna do a quick meet up, you can come if you want... unless you have other plans?" He says shrugging on his jacket that was laid out onto the chair, "Uhm yeah, I'm going out with Emma tonight, since she's going home for two weeks on break I decided to help her buy some new clothes." I explained hoping he wouldn't see through my lie, he didn't.

"Oh that's cool, well see you tonight maybe." He awkwardly waved and left the room making me sigh in relief.

My phone suddenly buzzed again. I grabbed my phone off the bed beside me and opened the message smiling as I read,

*Theres a restaurant near my hotel, if I give you the address wanna meet there and how about now?*

I rolled my eyes but smiled, Chris had given me the list of places that himself and the other Viners plus Sam were going, and it was basically everywhere myself and Trevor were going, which was strange at first but Chris said it was pure luck. We were in Madrid t the moment for two days, today was our day off and tomorrow was the show.

*Sure :)*

After getting the address, I got up and quickly fixed my hair, releasing it from its bobbin and brushing through the tangled parts. I decided to put slight make-up on, dabbing on lipgloss and a layer of mascara.

I looked at myself in the floor length mirror, I was wearing a light blue dress, the bottom covered in a white patterned lace and my light blue ballet flats which matched them perfectly.

As you know I don't usually wear dresses but today was a particularly hot day in Madrid, and I was not going to face the day wearing jeans since I did not bring any shorts with me and my suitcase does not have enough room to buy any more clothes!

I grabbed my purse from the bedside desk along with the room key, popping them into my small blue handbag before leaving the room locking it behind me, it was time to meet Chris.


"Here." He smiles holding out a red rose, I slightly blush as I take it from my hands, being careful not to touch the thorns.

"So, shall we?" He gestures to the Italian restaurant in front of us, I nod happily and smile, "We shall."


"So, how is tour going?" He asks me just as our food arrives. We bought a plain margarita pizza to share along with two cokes.

We thanked the waitress before she left and I picked up a slice of the hot gooey cheesy pizza.

"It's okay I guess, Trevor is great, he's gone to a meet and greet at the moment." I answer his question and Chris nods taking his own slice to eat.

"So, is he okay with you meeting up with me?"

I bow my head slightly and take a sip of my drink, trying to avoid answering the question. Chris realises what I'm doing and his eyes slightly widen, "You didn't tell him... did you?"

"No." I shake my head in shame, regretting my decision of meeting Chris, "I'm sorry Chris I-" "Wait!" he stops me, placing his hand on top of mine.

"I asked you to come so we could make amends. If Trevor doesn't understand that then he's a pretty shit boyfriend. Not that I can say much but hey, lets forget about that. How about we finish up here and walk around the park?"

Contemplating his request I sigh but nod, Trevor would understand right? It's not like I'm cheating... I'm... oh but why does it feel like it?

After finishing up and paying, we left and went to the park just as Chris suggested.

From there we talked about anything and everything, I was beginning to relax and I thought that I could really tell him anything, just like I could when we first met. Maybe this could work!

An hour later we separated ways and I went back to our hotel room, luckily Trevor was still out. I quickly got changed into my pyjamas and flicked on the tv going through the programmes until finding the right one.

Around two hours later, my twitter notifications began to blow up, extremely faster than they would on a daily basis, my conscious immediately told me to leave it, it was probably a rumour about me or Trevor, and since Trevor was meeting fans it might be about him 'cheating' just like I was suspected of doing.

But when I suddenly heard the ringtone for my messages I picked up my phone and swiped it open gazing at the words addressed to me.



This is probably one of the worst chapters I've ever written but my brain always kinda freezes when it comes near exam time, and I also have my irish oral which goes towards my junior cert and I've been kinda stressing out about, but no worry I will try to write when I'm not vigorously studying (but really on my laptop playing minecraft or listening to music)

So, I assume some of you are starting mock exams if you're in my year and if not then you are lucky! But anyway, how's life? I... Don't particularly have a life but yeah who does now a days.

Sorry this chapter is not as good as usual, I know I say this a lot but I truly feel that when/if I reread through my writing that its not up to my usual standard, but yeah :/

Okay I'm gonna go now xD vote if you enjoyed and i'll see you next time xx

Rachel out :p

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