Chapter 28

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"Ally I can't believe you're going to be touring with us." I sigh in complete content as I look over at her on the other couch, I just finished my time on stage and all the other boys are backstage cheering on Trevor. Me and Ally decided to come back to my dressing room and relax.

"I know right, we can hang out, write songs together, and we'll always have each others back, you'll tell me if that Chris person tries to call or disturb you again right?" I nod seriously, "Of course, well I can't really go to Trevor and its great having you here if I already haven't told you that."

I laugh as she playfully rolls her eyes brushing it off, "It's fine, not like you told me twenty times or so in the last hour."

Sticking my tongue out I look back at my phone and scroll through twitter checking my last tweet, which was about how great everyone was tonight I reply and retweet some fans.

Suddenly I receive a message from a private number, "What the hell?" I silently question to myself opening the text.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this."

There was a picture linked below, curiously I clicked the link my eyes widening at the image in front of me, "Rae, what's wrong?" Ally asks as she sees the expression on my face, she quickly jumps out of the seat and walks over to me as I sit up properly showing her the photo.

She scrunches her eyebrows up in confusion, "That can't be Trevor... can it?" She whispers, my mind flicks back to Trevor's birthday and what Blake said to me, "Ally, I think this was when Trevor got drunk on his birthday."

Looking at the picture again she shakes her head, "I don't know." She replies unsure, the picture was of Trevor and some brunette, his hair was tousled as they sat on the couch.. kissing. Worst thing was I felt like I knew the girl... if only I could see her face.

"He claims that he doesn't remember anything from that night, well, we never talked about it so I think I'll just leave it, anyway, it was in the past." I shake off, Ally nods proudly at me pulling me into a side hug, the door suddenly opens and Kian walks in telling us that it's Trevor's last song and we should be out to see it.

We agree and follow him out, the thought of the picture still in the back of my mind.


So... Who do you think the girl is?

Sorry it's kinda short but it's leading up to the good parts.

Realising that this book is going by real quickly, I mean it will probably be finished in no time!

That's kind of insane! But don't worry I have a plan for a book 3 that I hope you guys will LOVE!

Anyway I got to go, byeeeeeee

Rachel out :p

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