Chapter 5

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After my performance I walked off stage, pecked Trevor on the cheek and made my way to my dressing room to get changed, Emma was already there packing away her make-up essentials for when we move to our next location. I slid out of the dress and shoes and got into much comfier clothes which consisted of my black leggings, tank top and oversized hoodie, which to me is literally every girls favourite outfit to change into.
I sat down on the sofa provided in the room tucking my feet under me and watching Trevor sing on the small tv on the wall. Emma soon joined me and we made small talk, talking about all the places we were excited to go to and all the fans we were going to meet and of course Emma talked about all the shops we could go to when we had a few hours off, which I wouldn't mind doing because It'd be fun to hang our with her. When Trevor was about to begin his last song me and Emma decided to go to the entrance and experience the thrill of the concert.
"-this song is called Echo!" Trevor cheered just as we got to the stage entrance, Me and Emma cheered and started dancing and singing along making everyone working at the arena or with me and Trevor glance at us in amusement, but we didn't care, we were having too much fun.
Trevor ended the song and thanked everyone for coming before he left the stage and ran up to me wrapping himself around me, "Ewwww, Trev you're sweaty, get off." I giggled trying to push him off but it was no use.
He lifted me up off the ground and started walking towards his dressing room, "Emma Help Me!" I laughed as Trevor's grip tightened on me as he smirked and Emma stood in the same spot she was and waved at me.
"Traitor!" I shout just as we enter the room and the door closes. Trevor finally puts me down and I immediately run to the sofa lying across it. "Go take a shower or something." I say to Trevor as he begins to slowly walk towards me, he pretended to think about it before saying, "You know, I would but, I would much prefer to cuddle with you."
He says bending down and enveloping me into a bear hug, I laugh scrunching my nose from the smell.
"Trevyyy." I whine giggling, "Please babe, you stink." I beg sticking out my bottom lip. Trevor sighs but reluctantly lets go pecking my cheek before saying, "You're luckily I love you." Which I replied to with, "Same here bubblebutt."
I don't know why but I always laugh at that word... bubblebutt!
Trevor chuckles at my lame come back and walks into the bathroom, hopefully to have his shower.
When he was finished we were escorted back to the car that would take us back to our hotel, and luckily there weren't many fans out so we could get to the car without any hassle or anyone getting hurt.
"So, two more nights here and then off to Glasgow yeah?" I ask messing with Trevor's fingers as he looked down at me and smiled in amusement, "Yeah, and then we go to Ireland for a couple of days, first Belfast for two nights and then Dublin for three and we have the second day in Dublin off so we can go exploring or relaxing." He suggests.
"I'd like to look around Dublin if that's okay with you, it'd be nice to go out and have a nice chill out day."
I smile at the thought and Trevor hums in agreement beside me, "Well then that's what we'll do, ask me to do something, anything and I swear I will at least try to do it." He says making a cross over his heart with his index finger, I smiled at the gesture, "Promise?" I wondered, he nodded his eyes not leaving mine telling me that he was serious, "Then, promise to keep me safe and never hurt me." I whispered placing my head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, his breathing was kind of soothing, "I promise."
This is what I came up with :p I am still exhausted from exams oh and guess what? Even though we just finished exams we're doing work for the actual ones next year -_- fml
So as always if you enjoyed the chapter please give it a quick vote and if you have any ideas either comment on this chapter or the chapter before where I talked about thinking before speaking and bullying.
I'm thinking of creating a twitter account to do with bullying but I'm not sure yet. I would probably post positive quotes and little messages to try and brighten people's day and to just spread to word to help prevent bullying and to let others know what it is and how it can hurt someone. What do you guys think? And if I end up doing it do you have any ideas for names?
I think that's all for this chapter!! See you next time :D
Rachel Out :p

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