Chapter 29

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The after party with everyone was great fun! I obviously didn't drink any alcohol since I'm under twenty one but I can't say the same for Trevor. Well he had two drinks but still. Myself and Ally spent most of our time on the dance floor dancing and singing (more like shouting) away our problems. I wasn't thinking about that text... Well not that much anyway.

Trevor walked over to us, surprisingly he wasn't even slightly drunk. A slow song came on, and he smirked, they only play one slow song every hour, this is mostly when people leave to drink more or buy more. "May I have this dance?" He asks playfully bowing down, I giggled doing a small curtsy holding the end of my fake dress in my hands, "Of course."

We danced to two more songs until joining the others at the bar. We took the two spare seats beside Connor, me in the middle. It was nice to be here with the gang again, I just wish Hadley was here to share it with us.


The next day we had to get up to grab our flight to our next destination. We said our goodbyes to The guys, Ally spending a little longer with Cameron when they were hugging.

We took our seats and sat down buckling our safety belts and 'listening' the the air hostess when she went through the emergency things that you hear every single flight.

When we took off at first the three of us watched a movie but them Trevor fell asleep so myself and Ally decided to write a song, well a quick one anyway. We would obviously fix it up and add probably a guitar or something.

When the plane hit the ground myself and Ally jumped with excitement waking Trevor up from our giddiness. "Oh my God, we're here! We're in Sweden!" Ally exclaimed excitedly.

We eventually got out of the plane and retrieves our bags, meeting Blair once again outside the airport. "Hello, Trevor, Rachel, Ally, hope you had a great flight." We nodded and thanked him myself and Ally going into the back while Trevor sat in the passengers seat beside Blair.

"It's so beautiful!" Ally gasped gazing out her window, I giggled thinking back to when we were in Paris and I was so amazing by the beauty of everything.

"Alright guys we're here and luckily there is no huge mob of fans." Blair spoke at last getting out and helping us with our bags. When we successfully reached our hotel or Pom we piled in and literally fell onto the beds with exhaustion.

"Okay well, I'm going to my room. Call if you need anything." Blair reminds us before leaving. We nod and wave goodbye too lazy to get up.

Suddenly Trevor gets a call making us all jump in fright. "Sorry." He mumbles taking the phone out and answering it, "Hello? Hey Man whats up?" Trevor speaks into the phone pushing himself off the bed, phone still held to his ear.

"You're in Sweden?! Tonight? I don't know man." He sighs glancing over in our direction. Who is he talking to?
"I'll text you later." He says before hanging up. Curiously I get up and walk over to Trevor, slinging my arms around his shoulders.

"What's up Trev?" He shakes his head, "Its nothing Rae," I frown sadly, why doesn't he want to tell me? "Trev tell me, please." I beg, hugging him tight, he sighs in defeat, "One of my old friends told me they were in Sweden, he wanted to know if I wanted to go out."

"Why don't you?" I ask in confusing, "You wouldn't mind?" He whispers, I shake my head, "Babe, go out, have fun! Me and Ally will probably be working on a song, right Ally!" I call over my shoulder.

She gives a thumbs up, still lying flat down on the bed, "See, we'll be fine! Go out and have fun!" I smiled, 'Remember the picture.' My conscious spoke but I shook it off, no, I trust Trevor, he's not a cheater!

"Thanks princess, I love you so much." He smiles pecking my lips while in the background we hear Ally fake throwing up. "Oh shut up you! It's not like you're not the same with Cameron." I smirked as she jumped up at the name her eyes glaring into mine.

"You bitch." She laughed shaking her head in disbelief, Trevor chuckles hole I stick my tongue out childishly.


"See ya later guys!" Trevor calls for the last one before finally leaving the hotel room. Myself and Ally were both on the bed her with her guitar and me with my songbook and pen, "Okay so where did we leave off?"


I jumped as I felt my phone vibrate alerting me of an incoming text. I quickly picked it up opening the message without looking at the name.

Unknown: You shouldn't have let him go tonight...

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusing showing Ally the text. "It's probably some prank or something, don't worry." She brushes it off, probably so I would stop worrying about it.

We wrapped up the song writing and decided to go to sleep since it was already two am and we wanted to go out before the show tomorrow. Trevor would be back soon hopefully..,,

"Goodnight." I whispered as I lay down on the bed turning my body towards the door, "Night Rae, and seriously, don't worry about that text, probably a prank text." Ally spoke the the other bed.

"Okay." I replied so she wouldn't say any more about it. It's not my fault I'm curious and scared about the text. I mean, it is a bit frightening...


It's coming up to the good bit I swear!

So who do you think the texter is? A randomer?

And yeah my friend Arron joined wattpad! He has a really good book out that he wrote! Its not a fanfic or anything but I think you should check it out!

Also, if you do check it out please leave a nice comment or something because he's new to all of this and he's still getting the hang of most of it x

His name is ArronGeddes

Byeee guys, have a nice week :)

Rachel out :P

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