Chapter 14

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"Rachel?" He asked just as surprised as I was, "Yeah... what are you doing in Barcelona?" I reply, still in shock, he smiled shoving his hands into his jean pockets,

"I'm on tour with a few other viner's, who knew we would meet like this, after two years." He chuckled.

I glanced nervously at Emma who pointed at her phone which read the time, ten minutes late... shit.

"Well Chris I have to go..." I trail off, just as I'm about to leave he gently grabs me by the arm, "It is great to see you, I know I was stupid when I... you know... And I was hoping maybe we could start over? " He sighed.

I nodded without fully running through his sentence and released my arm from his grip

"Yeah, well bye." I quickly grab Emma's hand and begin to run, luckily the arena wasn't that far from where we were and we made it with only being twenty minutes late.

"So who was that guy?" Emma asked as we strolled into the building hoping Trevor or Blair wouldn't see us but we were unlucky, "Rachel!" Trevor panted running up to use engulfing me in a hug.

"C'mon, we have to get you ready." He spoke after releasing me and grasping my hand as the three of us ran to my dressing room for the two nights.

"Hey put this on!" Emma instructed as she handed me a blue knee length dress, with black tights that had a pattern on them and black flats (picture on the side/above, without high heels :p)

I quickly got changed into the clothes and afterwards allowed Emma to do my make-up, but since we didn't have much time she just touched up my face with some foundation, eyeshadow and sparkly lip gloss.

"You're on in five!" The man calls after knocking on my door. Emma gives me an encouraging smile as we leave the room.

"So who was that boy?" She asked once again being the curious one she is, "He- he's my ex boyfriend, also the first boyfriend I ever had. But he cheated and I got revenge."

I quickly explain before a man runs up and hands me my microphone, "one minute!" he hollers as he runs off towards the lighting guy.

Music for one of the covers I was doing began to play, it was teasing the fans until I came on in thirty seconds.

"Have you seen Trevor?" I asked in anticipation as I glanced around my surroundings, Emma shook her head.

"He left when you were getting dressed saying he had to call someone, I say he'll come watch you when he's finished." She reassured me, ten seconds left.

Here we go,






"Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for.... Rachel Dillon!"


So..... what do you think is wrong with Trevor?

And since Chris is back what do you think will happen now?

Would love to hear what you guys think :D

I should be updating once more before Christmas and then hopefully twice after that before the New Years!!!

Have an awesome day and weekend!!!!

Rachel out

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