A/N Sorry About this

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There are people in the word who don't think before they speak.... This is what this authors note is about. If you don't want to read it then skip it, but please just remember for the sake of other people and authors... Words hurt so you should think before you speak your mind.
It's the worse feeling in the world being told you're worthless or being threatened for something that's your choice, or being told what to do, this happens to people everywhere and I've seen this in the comments on some of the best books on wattpad too! I don't understand how someone could say something so cruel to someone who has expressed their emotions and feeling through words in a book that they decided to publish for others to see.
Now, all authors love to get feedback on their books, for me myself, it helps me learn what I can/have to improve on and what the people reading this want to see. I can connect with the readers and try to change certain aspects of the book to try and suit their needs, whether its the way I write or even the amount of spelling mistakes I make, those little changes and comments on these things are helpful to all readers,
There's a difference between feedback on a book and bullying someone on what they do. I am extremely against bullying in every way possible and I try to prevent it happening to people when I can. Whether its something as little as talking to the victim of the bullying or confronting someone about it, I like to try and help.
People may not know that they're bullying someone, they might just think its a laugh or they're only joking, but over the Internet nobody knows if you're joking or not so please, for other people's sake, remember this...
"The tongue has no bones but it is strong enough to break someone's heart, so think before you speak out or you might hurt someone so much that they break inside." -HeyItsRae 2014
Now I want to give you guys a task and ask you guys a question.
Task: I want each and every one of you (only if you're up to it) to comment a supportive or positive comment on any 4 books or fanfics on wattpad of your choice and comment done on this chapter when finished (my book does not count, this is to brighten other people's day because I know people who get hate for doing what they love) it will make that author so happy, even if they don't comment, most authors do read all comments on their book(s) to see what people think of it.
Bonus: if you see someone threatening or being rude on a book try to do something about it even if its just saying ,"that's not nice, ____ is great." (Idk just something random that came to my mind.)
What do you guys want to read in this book. I don't want to be writing something that you guys won't read or like, if you have any ideas for me to use feel free to tell me, from now on if I have writers block I will come to this a/n for some help so even if this book is on chapter 30, don't be afraid to go back to this chapter and write down an idea! I will appreciate each idea and try to use them all when I can xx
That is all for now, thank you for reading if you did and if you didn't Im sorry that it wasn't an update, as I said I just finished exams so I am pretty tired so I'm not as encouraged to write after being stuck in the same room for the whole week writing, but I will try my best to write the next chapter when I can :)
Rachel out :p

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