Chapter 27

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We walked hand and hand in and out of shops that we fancied and buying pastries and drinks for our picnic that we were going to have. But before we did Trevor wanted to take me somewhere.

"Oh my God." I whispered as we arrived at our location, I looked up at the Eiffel Tower in awe. "It's so beautiful." I exclaim turning to Trevor who was now down on one knee smiling and blushing, "I'm pretty sure you already know what this is, and I'm doing this because the first time wasn't really romantic." He blushes a deeper red as my hand flies up to my mouth, a few people stopped and are looking at us, I think some of them are fans as they take their phones out.

"Rachel, since the moment I met you I knew you were something special, you are talented, beautiful and you always seem to put others before yourself. Even with the ups and downs we've had throughout our journey we still seem to be in love with each other and, I know my love for you will never weaken.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I hope you feel the same. I want to start a family with you. To be able to tell our little baby boy or little baby girl all kinds of stories of our time together, so, Rachel Dillon, will you do me the honours of marrying me?"

He took out a velvet box revealing the beautiful ring inside, its crystal shining in the sun.

I nod, too shocked to speak, Trevor stands up and slips the ring on my finger as everyone around us cheers. I wrap my arms around his neck as I kiss him, the sound and lights from the phones flickering on and off surrounding us, but all I see is me and Trevor.

He lifts me up spinning me around as I wrap my legs around his waist. "That's not all." He whispers lowering me back down onto the ground, I give him a puzzling look as he smirks taking my hand in his, "I have one more surprise for you."

He takes a scarf out of his back pocket, "Trust me." He whispers placing the scarf over my eyes as a blindfold, tying it at the back, "Can you see?" He asks, I shake my head only being able to see darkness in front of me.

"Okay, I'll guide you." He slowly led me to wherever, instructing me to step up or to 'be careful near here', but it basically felt like we were walking in a complete circle for the entire time. Every few minutes he would instruct me to do the same instructions again as if in a pattern.

"Trev, are we almost there?" I asked , he chuckles kissing my cheek, "Almost babe, now dont slip here."

"Okay Stop!" He instructs happily and i sigh in relief, "Okay, babe I need to tell you something..." He whispers in my ear as I can sense him biting his lip to stop himself laughing, "What is it?"

"I may have just walked you around the Eiffel Tower a few times, we didn't actually go far." I gasp as I feel arms wrap around me, instantly thinking it was Trevor I hit him in the stomach only to hear Trevor laugh not too far in front of me.

"Trev..." I whisper shyly, I feel the hands releasing me and going up to the back of my head, untying the scarf letting it drop to the ground. I see Trevor first, camera in hand pointed directly at me and whoever else was behind me.

Turning around I gasp, "No Way!" I squeal jumping into Ricky's arms when I spin around to see him smirking,"Suprise!" He shouts happily embracing me in a bear hug, "Oh and look who else is here!" He says excitidly releasing from the hug and extending his hand out to everyone behind him, Connor, Jc, Kian, Sam, Shawn, Cameron and Ally! "Ally!" I yell running up to her and tackling her into a hug as we collapse into a giddy mess on the grass. "Trevor called me here, payed for my ticket and all, oh and I've got some news!"

"What is it?" I asked a little over excited, "Ally is coming on tour with us!" Trevor smiles walking over and helping the both of us up, "No way!" I gasp, my mouth open wide in complete surprise, "Yes way!" She exclaims and I pulled her into a proper hug this time jumping with joy.

"Oi Rae, don't forget about me." I let go and see Cameron pouting holding his arms out as Shawn and the boys laugh at him rolling their eyes, "Aw Cam." I giggle walking into his hug and then moving onto Shawn, then Sam and the other boys.

"So, how does it feel like to be engaged?" Connor asks smirking, "It's truly amazing, so, any lucky man in your life?" I ask nudging his side as he blushes making me gasp excitedly hitting his arm, "Who is it?" I ask, "Um, guess?" He says more like a question, he was stalling.

"Con seriously, tell me." I beg holding onto his arm, Trevor comes up pulling me into his chest from behind, "Jees babe, let him cool down, you have him as red as a tomato already." Trevor says only making Connor blush more, "I'm sorry Connor." I say detatching myself from Trevor and hugging Connor.

"Who is it?" I whisper as he nervously chuckles, "T-Troye."

My smile widens and I hug him tighter "I'm so happy for the two of you, is Tyler okay with this?" I playfully ask as he laughs nodding, "Tyler's the one who set us up, you know that boy ships anything in his path and at the moment its Tronnor."

I giggle hugging him one last time before turning to everyone, "So, are you's going to be at the concert tonight?"

"Duh! we wouldn't miss it for the world!" Ricky exclaims, I smile and lead him away from the group who were talking together, "Is everything okay?" He asks as he sees my worry.

"Have you heard from Hadley?" I quietly ask as Ricky's eyes soften, "Oh Rachel." He whispers pulling me into a hug, "No, I haven't heard from her in a while, she moved out, didn't tell us where, I'm sure she's okay, probably just a lot on her chest."

"I miss her, so much." I say as a tear falls down my cheek, kissing my temple he rubs my back soothingly, "You'll see her again, she can't leave us, she can't leave you, she loves you too much." He chuckled, "Thanks Ricky, for everything."


Yay I finally updated! sorry, been busy with exam stuff and for English I have to write a short story and its really hard for me to come up with a good idea :/

Hope you guys enjoyed xx

Rachel out :p

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