Chapter 12

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"That was such an amazing thing that you did for that girl." Trevor said to me the next morning as he hugged me from the side. I smiled and snuggled into him, that was the fifth time he mentioned it but it was still nice to hear.

"Thanks, I bet that in a month Charlie is in a relationship with her." I mumble turning around in his arms to gaze into his eyes, "Deal, I bet a month and a half." He says grabbing my hand in his and shaking it.

"So can you tell me where we're going now?" I knew he wouldn't tell me, it was a surprise and he would keep it like that. "Nope." He chuckled shaking his head. The car stopped and I got up and looked around, we were at the O2 arena. Blair got out of the drivers door and opened our doors, he said he would wait for us back here when we were finished.

"Trev, why are we here?" I wondered as He slipped his hand into mine, swinging it in between us, "You'll see." He smiled but kept looking ahead until we made it backstage where he whispered something to the security guard on duty. The man smiled and nodded at Trevor, and then glanced over at me still smiling, "Right this way."


"Trevor why are we at 5 Seconds of Summer's dressing room?" I turn to him after studying the sign, he simply shrugs but still wears a smug smile on his face as he knocks three times.

The door opened to reveal Luke wearing a ripped Nirvana shirt. Oh wow I haven't seen him or the other boys since that day at the One Direction concert, I mean we talk on twitter but that's it. "Oh hey," Luke's eyes widen in surprise before turning his head to face the other boys, "Trevor and Rachel are here!" Luke calls and suddenly we could heard the loud thumping of footsteps as the boys run to the door.

Ashton was first out as he slammed the door open as wide as it could go and dramatically pulled me into his arms spinning me around as I laughed loudly, "Rachel, I haven't seen you in years... Literally! I was going insane you wouldn't believe!" he over exaggerated pretending to cry as he laughed as well, oh god his laugh hasn't changed.

"I missed you guys so much, why didn't you visit like you promised." I asked playfully punching his shoulder, it obviously didn't phase him since he was well built but he still pretended to act hurt, "Owwww, why would you do that." He pouted, suddenly three other bodies attacked us in a hug sending us to the ground as Trevor laughed from beside us.

"Could someone hit him or something." I grunted as I tried to push myself up but failed from the weight on top of me. I smirked after hearing a short 'ow', "Hehe, thank you."

"No bother, okay now Calum, I love you but get your fat ass off me!" Michael complained, I felt the vibrations of whoever was on top of me chuckled at his comment, "Do you guys need help?" Trevor mocks as he stands directly in front of me, oh if only my hands were free right now!

Trevor pulled Calum who was on top off first and then Michael and then Luke leaving me and Ashton face down on the ground finally able to breathe, "Thanks God I can breathe again!" Ashton cheered pushing himself off the ground and afterwards helping me up. "Thanks." I muttered, Trevor walked behind me and wrapped his arms around me kissing my cheek, "Well do you like your surprise?"

I smile and shake my head turning around to peck him on the lips, not caring if the other boys saw, "No, I love it."


"Okay everyone, this song is for our two friend Rachel and Trevor who came down today to see us! this is.... What I like about you!" Ashton screams into the mic as they begin to play. Me and Trevor Dance and sing along back stage, and its the best feeling ever!

"What I like about youuuuu...." The boys end the song and receive a loud cheer in response, "Okay this is our last song for the night, we're going to go way old school for this one so I hope everybody songs along, this is Try Hard."

It's an amazing experience, hearing the whole arena sing along to a song, I look over at the boys as they smile and stay singing and nodding along to the beat, Ashton plays his drums perfectly as he always does and Michael and Calum dance around the stage as Luke sings his part.

"Goodbye London, You were amazing!" Michael waves as they jog off the stage all sweaty and hyped up. "Hey Rachel...." Ashton sings advancing towards me, I push Trevor in front of me as a distraction and run away from Ashton as he begins to run, this is not gonna happen, nope nope no- "Ashton put me down!" I gasp the horrible stench filling my nostrils.

Ew. ew. ewwwww.

"Ashton seriously, you stink, put me down." I beg, he pouts but finally nods and places me back onto the ground, oh thank God, floor I missed you.

"Hey man, the other guys went into the changing rooms and we have to go in a bit, we have to catch a plane in two hours." the news broke my heart, I forgot we were leaving today, and now we have to leave the boys. Ashton must have sensed my disappointment as he hugged me from the side, "Hey don't worry, we'll keep in touch alright? It won't be long til we see each other again." I frowned but nodded, I had to try and stay positive.

After me and Trevor said bye to all the boys we met up with Blair outside and drove to the airport. Our bags were already packed and put into the trunk. We boarded the plane with no trouble and began our journey to Barcelona for the next three shows.


Hope you enjoyed!

So I'm guessing everybody knows that Zoe or Zoella has her first novel out called 'Girl Online' and trust me when I say this, I am falling in love with the book,

The way she presents her characters is fantastic! and OMG this particular boy character, *faints*.

If you were thinking of buying the book I recommend you do! I got a lend of it off my friend but i'd love to buy it for myself!

Hope you guys have an amazing week,

If you have any chapter suggestions feel free to write them down and tell me in Dm or in the comments :) Byeee guys

Rachel out :p

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