Chapter 22

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"Well Ally, it's nice to meet you." I smiled shaking her hand, smiling happily. "It's great to meet you too." She replied. "Do you by any chance have the time? I left my phone in my room." I sigh sadly, she nods and takes out and iPhone 4 the top right corner of the screen slightly cracked. "Wow, it's ten minutes past midnight." She says in shock.

I sighed knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to the hotel room tonight, especially since I have no room key, "Can I borrow your phone to call my brother?" I asked, she nodded and carefully handed me her phone already turned on, I typed in the number and hit the call button lifting the phone to my ear, and luckily after two rings, Sam answered.

"Hello?" Sam spoke as the noise behind him grew slightly quieter, "Hey Sam, its Rachel." "Oh, hey Rae, what's up?" He asked as if it wasn't past midnight right now,"Aren't you tired or something?" I wondered, he chucked at my confusion, "Do you really think I'd be asleep with so much shouting?" He questioned, "I guess not."

"Any way," he changes the subject, "Is everything okay? I mean you're not calling off your own phone.." He trails off in slight worry, "I'm fine, but I was just wondering if you had anywhere I could sleep for the night, I don't think Trevor wants to see me tonight...or ever." I say, just barely whispering the last part, "Yeah of course!" He replies immediately, "There's only three of us in this room, the rest went out for the night and I doubt they're coming back."

"Thanks so much, can you make sure it's alright with whoever else is there, I don't want to intrude." "Its Shawn and Cameron, trust me they'd love to see you, but yeah I'll ask them now because I know you're gonna ask me to anyway." He chuckles, I smile happily, "Thanks Sam."

I hear him walk back into the room as the sound gets louder making me pull the phone away from my ears until Sam tells them to be quiet, "Can my sister stay for the night?" "Rachel? Yeah of course!" Cameron repiles, I smile happy that I'm going to see him for the second time, "It's fine with me." I hear Shawn say, "You hear that Rae?"Sam asks, "Yup" I call just as I hear loud shouting and the phone being moved around, "Hey RAEEEEEE!" Cameron shouts making me cringe at the noise but quietly laugh, "Hey Cam, see you in a bit I guess, could you tell Sam to send the address to this number and ask if I could bring a friend too please."

"Yeah, sure thing, byeee." I hang up and hand the phone back to Ally, thank her greatly.

"You can stay too, I know for a fact that we won't be sleeping tonight so why not?" She looked at me hesitatingly before answering, "Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother."

"Trust me, we're friends now, and I wouldn't be able to do this without you." I smile.


"You must be the famous Rachel." Shawn speaks as he opens the door to their hotel room showing off his dazzling smile as he wraps his arms around me in a hug.

"Yeah, hey Shawn nice to finally meet you! This is my friend Ally." I gesture to Ally who waves beside me. Shawn hugs her as well before moving aside to let us enter.

"Rachel!" Cameron cried as he ran in to me tackling me in a hug almost making me fall over if it wasn't for his hands behind me, "Hey Cam, hey Sam." I smile releasing out of Cameron's hug and hugging Sam as if I haven't seen him in months instead of two weeks.

"How are you holding up?" He asks as I shrug in response, "I screwed up so I guess I have to learn from my mistakes and pay the price, oh by the way, this is my friend Ally, the one who let me use her phone."

"Well Ally. thanks I guess and nice to meet you." He smiles walking over and hugging her. Cameron comes up from behind me and tickles my sides making me jump in fright, "Why are you in your pyjamas and a pair of old converse?" He asks out loud in confusion making all heads turn to me.

"You didn't tell them?" I looked over at Sam as he shook his head, "Not my story to tell."

"Okay, so, if you want to know I'll make it quick, I basically got into a fight with Trevor because I met up with Chris and there are pictures online and it makes it look like we're on a date, and I lied to Trevor today saying I was going to be with my friend who is going home soon instead of just straight up telling him I was meeting Chris."

"Not to be rude but how did that get you here?" Shawn asked politely, patting the space beside him on the hotel bed, Ally and Sam had already sat down on the other one and were soon joined by Cameron.

"Well, we fought, I screwed up bad and he told me to leave so he could think, so, I threw on a random pair of runners and a jacket before leaving the hotel room without my phone or room key, because the look on Trevor's face told me he was more than pissed and I needed to leave ASAP."

"Oh okay, well how about we get our mind off all this?" Cameron suggested the others nodding.

"How?" I asked, Cameron smirked and looked at Shawn who nodded back already knowing what to do, "You'll see"


One week of mocks finished and now just one week to go...greeaat

Hope yous enjoy and have a great weekend xx

Rachel out :p

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