Chapter 16

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Rachel's P.O.V

In the end last night, Trevor finally stood back stage and watched me perform as he normally does, he hugged me and told me how good I was and then he went on. Like nothing happened, like he wasn't worried about something. He knew I knew he wasn't himself, and I'm going to find out why.

The next morning I decided to go out and explore Barcelona properly, on my own.

I of course, took my phone and purse and wore my sunglasses and sun hat in attempt to disguise myself and protect my eyes from the sun.

I left Trevor a note and kissed his cheek before leaving our hotel room and roaming the streets.

I glanced into the windows of some shops and gazed at the items for sale inside. There was a porcelain doll that wore an old fashioned red dress with a frilly white collar and black shoes and a teddy which would be around the size of my arm. It was a dark brown, with scruffy fur and held a sign reading 'I Love You'.


I smiled as I held the teddy in my arms after I paid the woman exactly ten euro. This would be a lovely present for Trevor! I placed it in the plastic shopping bag and left the shop happily.

I walked a little longer, stopping at a public garden where flowers were growing and benches were dispersed around so people could sit down and feed the birds or watch their children play in the small green field.

I moved myself around and took a seat in an empty bench letting the sounds around me blow through my mind like the gentle breeze that blew every so often.

I smiled as I heard children's laughter and the sounds of birds tweeting, the murmurs of people chatting, it was all so calming, but that had to end at some point.

"Rachel?!" I spun around and saw Chris, looking at me in surprise as he held onto the strap of his guitar case. "Oh, hi Chris." I utter out, turning back around in hope he would leave... no chance.

"Small world eh?" He chuckled, taking the seat beside me as I inwardly groaned, "Yup, sure is..."

"So, what are you doing out alone?" He wonders tilting his head slightly to the left. "I went out to look around, buy some things." I shrugged, I really wanted to leave but I didn't want to be rude.

"Look Chris, I really have to go-" "Woah, what's the rush? I'm sorry that I wanted to talk to you... I just thought we could catch up, maybe meet up for lunch someday?" He questioned as if offended.

Sighing I looked over at him, "Chris, you and I know that that's a bad idea."

He bowed his head, "Yeah I know, but I wanted to at least try be friends, after you left, the group split, well split away from me," he sighed in remembrance,"I was alone and had nobody to talk to." he smiled slightly chuckling to himself before continuing, "Is it bad that I cried for two weeks after losing you, I sound like a whimp huh?" he shook his head in disgust. "It's pathetic."

"No Chris, don't say that." I shook my head, did he really cry? did he really miss me that much?

"You're a great guy, you were just childish and stupid at the time." I reassure him placing my hand on his shoulder.

He looks down at it weirdly, like he wasn't expecting me to comfort him, I wasn't expecting it either, but, everyone has breakdowns and he has no one else to go to.

"Really?" he wondered sending me an upset look, tears were growing in his eyes making my heart clench, the look in his eyes sent pangs on guilt down my spine.

"You know what Chris? I'll give you that extra chance, where's your next stop on tour?" I asked turning around to him on the seat as he quickly lifted his head in shock, "Wait really? I'm not sure where we're going yet, I find out tonight, we're doing a surprise tour somewhere." He shrugged.

"Okay... how about we swap numbers, I had my number changed and I'm sure you did too..." "Yeah, that'd be cool." He nodded trying to be calm, he took his iPhone 5 out of his pocket and handed it to me. I gave him my iPhone 4 and began to write my number in his phone while he did the same.

After I gave him back his phone it suddenly buzzed making both of us slightly jump, "wow, great timing..." he murmured, "Okay, well thanks but I have to go, we're being told whats going to happen, text you later?"

I smiled and nodded as I got up as well, "I should really get going too, bye Chris." "Bye..." He wrapped his arms around me in a hug making me suddenly uncomfortable. "Oh uh, sorry, bye." He blushed pulling away and scratching the back of his neck as he left but quickly came back to retrieve his guitar case, well this is something that Trevor can't know about.


So I'm guessing every has heard the news :( o2l the channel is ending....

The boys said they'll still be friends, still be brothers but they want to be able to focus on other stuff.

I've been a fan of the six of them for less than 2 years but almost 1 and a half. They've helped me through so much when I was upset or nervous, I can't believe it's ending, but because it is I need to ask you guys something....

Do you want this story to continue?

I was thinking of continuing it as the guys come over to do the video, Sam leaves and joins the viners on tour, Trev and Ricky stay focused on their music and YouTube and Jc and Kian have their own little channel,

But I wanted to make sure that you guys are okay with this and if you have anything you'd like to add to the plan to make it more better?

I'll let the votes go on for 5 days, so:

1. Finish this story short and leave it here...

2. Keep doing story the way you were planning

3. Keep doing story but I suggest.... (Here you obviously put your suggestion with the number)

Okay so pick a number and ill count them all up :)

Dot forget to vote because it'll help me a lot.... :)

Rachel out :p

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