Chapter 7

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"Trevor can you pleaseee tell me where we're going?" I beg as we drive to the unknown location, I'm at the moment, blindfolded with Trevor's red bandana and I cannot see a thing. I really wish Trevor would tell me where we are going but then it wouldn't be a surprise so I guess I'm happy he's not answering me.

"Trevy..." I whine dragging out the 'y' at the end, "Rachel..." Trevor playfully mimics me, I pout and lean back into my seat knowing I'm not going to get any answers. Trevor chuckles beside me placing a hand on my knee, "We're almost there I promise."

After ten minutes Trevor finally parked out rental car and opened his door getting out and closing It behind him. Seconds later my door opened and I felt Trevor slowly leading me out of the car and down the road (after locking the car first of course), He finally stopped making me almost trip only for his hold to keep me up.

"Okay, close your eyes for a second." He whispers, his mouth close to my ear sending delightful shivers down my spine. I close my eyes and Trevor takes the blindfold off the sun now immediately stronger against my closed eyes.

He leads me a could more steps forward and then tells me to stop, letting go of my grip I panic, where was he going. "It's okay babe I'm right here, you can open your eyes now."

Trevor says, I squint at first as my eyes re-adjust to the light and then, seeing where we were I froze and gasped, we were at a pet adoption centre.

Trevor smirks at my expression, "Now don't get too excited, we can't get a dog just yet but, we were asked by the owners if we wanted to spend a few hours here to play with the dogs. Of course I knew you would love this so I kept it secret...surprise!"

He chuckles and I launch myself into his arms making him laugh. "Thank you so much this will be amazing!" I squeal happily as I finally let go an he leads us into the building and we're immediately greeted by a young woman probably in her twenties.

"Welcome to Dog Care I'm guessing you're Rachel and Trevor." I smile and nod and she begins to lead us down the hall where there are around five white doors splayed out on each side.

"On the left side we have we have a mixture of breeds of dogs and ages, we have 1 year olds to 3 year olds in the last section, 4 to 6 year olds in the one next to it, 7 and up in the next room and newborns in the second room." She explains to us leaving one door out making me curious.

"What's in the first door?" I ask, she glances at me and sadly smiles, "they're the rescued dogs, some of them have had bad lives in the past and we're trying to help them and find them good homes but its hard. Especially when they're older and can't forget what happened to them." She answers.

I frown the news breaking my heart, why would someone not want to care for their dog or make a dogs life better. "Can we go to that room first?" The woman looks surprised but nods, leaving us to roam around.

I took Trevor's hand and immediately opened the first door leading us into a medium sized room, dog beds were laid out and a few volunteers were happily playing with some pups. I looked around the room a glanced at each dog surprised on how many there were, there was probably 6 adult dogs and five pups.

"Hi you must be Trevor and Rachel?" A girl comes up to us and asks, We both nod and smile, "Well, would you like to take a look a some of the pups?" "Yes, we'd love to! what your name may I ask?" I asked her politely as she led us over to where three pups were playing with a pull rope, "Name's Clara, and these three lovely pups are Coco, Bubbles and Rex." she introduces the hyper jack russell, the playful golden Labrador and the --- pug.

They were gorgeous, I let out a quiet 'aww' and sat down beside the pups picking bubbles up who was surprisingly light. "We found the three of them locked in an abandoned house, no food, no water, but they never left each others side. they were probably there for a few days, but any longer and they would have been worse than they already were." Clara sighed while stroking Rex's dark brown fur while she tried to escape to join coco in the tug of war game.

After the rescued dogs we went to see the 1-3 year olds, and oh gosh, there was three collie pups there and I think I almost scared them all with my joy.

We went through each other room and spent at least half an hour in each, so when it came to around four we had to leave. "Thanks for coming!" the woman waved as we left, I smiled and waved back before fully leaving the building. We got into our car and we set off. I leaned back into my seat and smiled, "Thank you for taking me here Trev, it was amazing."

I looked over and smiled at my amazing boyfriend, he smiled back intertwining my hand in his and squeezing it gently, "No problem babe, love you." "I love you too."

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