Chapter 31

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The concert went well and Jill came up to us once more before she left to get a plane. Our next stop was Norway, and to say I was excited was an understatement, We were staying for three days! We could spend a whole day sightseeing and just relaxing.

Blair had a house here so he loaned it to us for these next few days. It was a three bedroom house. I placed my bags in the room myself and Trevor were sharing and then left to meet everyone downstairs.

"Okay guys, once again no funny business." Blair begins pointing directly at me and Trevor. "Also, please try not to break anything, I have a small recording or rehearsing room if yous need it down the hall, and I will be here in my room. We are going out to dinner tonight so rest up and then get ready." He lastly instructs before hiking up the stairs probably into his bedroom away from us for now.

"Okay, well we do need some sleep, so lets go and then we'll be fully awake for dinner." Ally suggests, we nod in agreement and follow her up the stairs going into our room. I lay on the bed without even changing and close my eyes tiredly, "Night Trevor."


"You look beautiful." Trevor smiled kissing my cheek. "Thanks, Ally will be out soon, she's in the middle of a call." I told him pecking him lightly on the lips, "Let me guess, Cameron?" He asked chuckling. I nodded happily, "They like each other, wouldn't be surprised if they were already going out."

We both turned as the door opened and Ally stepped out phone in hand, "Sorry about that." She apologised blushing, a small smile on her face. "It's fine, so how's Cameron?" Without thinking she responds, "He's good, he's.... Hey!" She giggles realising what I said.

"Aww wittle Ally is in wove." I teased her as her cheeks went a deep red. "Shut up." She blushed even more looking down making both Trevor and I chuckle. "Don't worry Ally you'll see him soon." I promise walking over and hugging her. She returns the hug and afterwards Blair comes down and we leave.

"So, are you ready for your concert tomorrow?" Blair asked as we waited for our food to arrive, I looked at Ally and Trevor before nodding, "I can't wait, myself and Ally have been working on a song and I really like it." I smile looking at Ally as she excitedly nod in agreement, "I really like it, I hope the fans will too."

"They will, trust me." Trevor spoke placing his hand over mine gently brushing over it with his thumb. Our food arrived and we hungrily dug in.

We arrived home at eleven and Blair immediately said he was going to bed and he advised us to do the same. But me and Ally weren't tired!

Trevor went up to our room pecking my lips before leaving and then myself and Ally went into her room and went over the song for the last time, quietly humming it to ourselves and giggling madly.

We were so excited for tomorrow, not to know what was to come....


Yeah so this story is almost over....

But don't worry I planned to make it a trilogy ages ago and I still am :)

So what are your predictions on what will happen? I'm curious lol

Hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas for whatever leave them in the comments :p


Rachel out :p

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