Chapter 35

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"Dear Ricky...." I sighed as my pen left the page in front of me, I mean, what could I say? 'I'm sorry but I'm leaving forever'? He's my dad for gods sake! Connor and Kian and the boys will be harder, God they have helped me so much through my life.

Oh God I remember the day we had the Nerf gun war back when I was fifteen, man that was the best yet scariest day of my life!


Connor where's Rachel?" Ricky asked and I could tell he had the super soaker pointed at Connor ready to shoot, "Um, she's downstairs with Luke, Don't shoot meh!" He said weirdly at the end almost making me giggle blowing my spot. I heard Connor scream his very 'manly' scream, "Hey!" He shouted at Ricky, "You're lying, where is she." He says, I quickly peak around the corner to see Connor up against the wall trapped by Ricky. his eyes widened when he saw me making me quickly hide behind the corner again. It was quiet for a while, really quiet.
"Let's get off the roof." Luke suggests and I agree going to the side and jumping onto the other roof, "Be careful Rachel!" Ricky yells his eyes wide, "Please,I've done this befo- Ahh!" I scream as I slip but luckily catch onto the window's handle, Connor comes rushing to my rescue as well as the other boys who were on the roof while everyone outside looks up terrified.

*end of flashback*

I remember how scared they all were, Kian looked like he almost shit his pants, Meghan was crying. Ricky was the worst out of them all, I could have been extremely injured if I didn't grab onto that handle, he was so frightened that he had lost me, all I wanted to do was hug him all day, tell him I was okay when he thought different.

But I can't say it forever, and now, I'm not okay anymore, and telling the boys won't solve anything. Not now.

Sighing I gathered up the empty pages along with the envelopes and placed them in my suitcase before zipping it up. I could write them and leave them in the dressing room before I leave.

I take out my phone and quickly text Ally,

On my way back, have some news, but can you go on solo tonight?

She replied with an 'of course' and a 'see you soon'. I took my purse out and called a cab taking it back to the stadium, before leaving I spoke to the driver, "Do you think you can come back here in two hours and drop me to the airport?"

The man nodded kindly at me and waved goodbye. I walked up to the stadium door, the security guard from earlier smiled as he saw me, "Welcome back, you're on in half and hour."

I nodded and thanked him going inside somehow avoiding everyone once again. Surprisingly Trevor wasn't outside my room so I quickly knocked whispering to Ally that it was me. She let me in and locked the door again behind me as I dropped the suitcase to my side.

"Are you planning on going somewhere?" She laughed as if it was a joke, I frowned sadly and she stopped laughing realising what was happening, "So you're leaving..."

"I need to get away from here." I tried to explain, she nodded not asking why or if anything else happened. "I'm not going to try and make you change your mind but, I'll miss you." She said sadly hugging me.

"I'll keep in contact with you okay? But you can't tell anyone especially the boys, I need to start my life over, but I can't do that if they're trying to stop me. Ally nodded understanding.

"I accepted the deal with Jill, So I'll still be in the music business, just not with you or Trevor... but we can still talk on Skype okay?" I reminded her, Ally nodded once again before releasing me from the hug.

"Are you leaving any letters to Ricky or anything?" She asked, wiping away the tears in her eyes, "Yeah, I just need to figure out how to write them without crying." I frowned unzipping my bag and taking the pages and envelopes out, "Think you can help me?"


"Girl five minutes!" Blair called loudly banging on the door. "Okay!" I shouted back before continuing with Connor's letter. I was finally able to write the letters and only shed a few tears, maybe it was because I didn't do Ricky's yet, I'm leaving that till last...

Blair knocked on the door a few minutes later and Ally left begging me not to leave until she came back, which I agreed on. I lock the door after her and finish up Connors letter, sealing it up and placing it in the pile.

Sighing I picked up the last page scanning the two words that I wrote and shaking my head, 'How will he react?'

Dear Ricky,

I'm sorry...


I HATE 'holiday homework' I know like my year is the exam year but FFS can you not remember that we have other subjects!

I had 3 big portraits do do for my art homework plus I had to get information and my irish teacher was just so nice and gave us a full exam and we don't even know how to do half of it! Isn't he just amazing?!

-_- I don't want to go to school tomorrow, anyone feel the same?

I'm so tired and I just want to stay in and not do anything. I really don't want to do exams this year I'm so sick of school -_- well I guess I'll talk to you guys next time xx

Rachel out :p

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