Chapter 21

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"Sam?" I immediately questioned as he answered my call, "Rachel Dillon what have you done?" He immediately asked in shame and also panic, "Wait, Sam, what's up?"

"This is the second time Rachel. The Internet is exploding with pictures of you and Chris on a date! I thought you stopped seeing him?"

"He asked me if we could try to be friends again, or at least on good terms! We talked laughed and then left, okay, that's all and I'll tell Trevor exactly that when he comes back."

Sam loudly sighs into the phone, "It's not Trevor I'm worried about... If this keeps happening rumours will spread of you being worse than a cheater, and people will start to hate you, and I don't want that to happen Rachel, you're my little sis."

"Sam, I'll be fine, I'll sort this out I promise."

Just then I heard a key card, "Bye Sam, talk to you later." I hung up before he could say anything, I lowered my head as Trevor slammed the door open creating a frightening 'BANG' sound, stormed in over to me, almost grabbing me by the shoulders but then deciding against it, he left his arms by his side as I felt his cold hard stare on me. "How, could you." He hissed in pure rage storming over to the back of the room and forcing himself into the single chair, restraining himself from causing any damage from the anger that I caused on him.

He balled his hands into fists so his knuckles were frighteningly white and his head bowed down as he tried to control his harsh breaths of pure anger.

After staying on the bed for a few minutes to give him some time I finally got up and shyly walked over to him, standing a few inches away, "Trevor I-" "Get out." He muttered under his breath, "Wh-" "GET OUT!" He shouted fiercely, jumping up off of the chair and pushing my shoulder with one hand so I backed up slightly placing my hand over the place he pushed me, "If you truly understood what you did, what you did to me once again, you would leave and let me think for a few goddamn hours." He spoke through clenched teeth.

I cowered back and nodded my head, grabbing the nearest coat and pulling my shoes on before rushing out the door not bothering to get a room key.

The weather in Madrid was cold at night, especially when all you're wearing is your blue cotton pj bottoms and a Hogwarts top. I was desperately clinging onto the fabric of (luckily) my coat as I shamefully walked down the dark empty streets.

As the park that I was at earlier came into view I stopped and thought about everything. It was my fault of course, I had to let Chris have another chance I had to piss off Trevor when he was already annoyed about something, I had to ruin everything good in my life just to try and make it better somewhere else.

I'm such an idiot.

I sighed and began to slowly walk through the park, watching the moon shine high as its reflection glistened in a pond near by and suddenly I heard something I wouldn't expect to hear at this time of day, a guitar playing and someone singing.

I followed the sound of the sweet voice and it led me to a girl, possible around my age, sitting on a bench, a guitar sitting on top of her knee with the strap around her shoulder, she still hadn't noticed my presence as I hid a little away to hear the rest of the song.

It was 'Almost Lover' by A Fine Frenzy. I remember hearing this song on a video once, it was a long time ago but I still remember it clearly.

"Goodbye, my almost lover

Goodbye, my hopeless dream

I'm trying not to think about you

Can't you just let me be?

So long, my luckless romance

My back is turned on you

I should've known you'd bring me heartache

Almost lovers always do."

When she finished the song, I slowly stepped out of the shadows, approaching where the girl sat, I was still shocked from amazement, "That was amazing, I mean your voice is so innocent and pure.." I complimented her as she gasped turning her head towards me showing off her shocking unusual purple eyes, were they real? She relaxed back into the bench and fixed a piece of hair behind her ear, "T-thanks. I didn't know anyone was listening."

I sheepishly smiled taking a seat beside her, "I was walking by and heard your voice, you have so much talent!" She smiled lifting the guitar off her lap and slipping it off her placing it back in it's case beside her, "So, what brings you out in the middle of the night in your pyjamas?" She asked giggling down at me, I sadly smiled and shrugged, "Boyfriend problems."

She frowned and nodded tilting her head down, "Yeah, me too."

"Wanna talk about it?" I offered, maybe she needed to tell someone about it instead of bottling it up, she lifted her head up and shrugged, "Went with my boyfriend to Russia, it was suppose to be a holiday for just the two of us, but I caught him cheating and he finally confessed that he was cheating on me since our third month together.... we went out for over a year."

I frowned moving over and hugging her, "I'm so sorry." I whispered, she nodded shrugging her shoulders once again, "I used some of the money I saved up to come here, I busk and hope to get money to pay for the hotel room I'm staying in, but anyway, what's your story?" She asked changing subject.

"Well, I went out to dinner with my ex boyfriend because he said he wanted to make amends, and my current boyfriend found out, thought I was cheating, wosrt thing was that it's not the first time I was seen with my ex, I met him on the last place me and my boyfriend went, and someone got a picture and created havoc." He eyes immediately widened in realisation as she clicked her fingers together, "You're Rachel right? I think I saw you on a couple of Connor Franta's videos." She explained.

I nodded, "Yeah that's me, what's your name?"

"I'm Ally"


Hey guys!

So I have my mock exams next week and they run for two weeks....

So I'm trying my best to write chapters to put up throughout the week :)

Yeah, just something quick tiler you know :p

Hope you enjoyed the chapter if you did give it a vote and comment any ideas if you have some :) I love reading your comments :D Byeee guys

Rachel out :p

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