Chapter 34

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Trevor's P.O.V

I trudged back into my room with barely any energy left in me, I didn't do so well in rehearsals, I was thinking about Rachel the entire time, but I couldn't leave, Blair would kill me and possibly end both mine and Rachel's career!

I didn't recognise Hadley at first when she walked into my dressing room, it just looked like Rachel was wearing different clothes and that fake dye you can get in shops.

Walking into my room I saw Hadley once again, in the same spot she was when I left to apologise the Rachel, oh that went perfect -___- "Hadley, why did you come here? Why did you ruin my relationship with Rachel?" I asked standing in front of her with my arms crossed.

There was no way she did this randomly, there has to be a reason. "I- Trevor I can't." She trembled, her eyes glossy with tears, kneeling down I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes.

"Hades," I whispered using her old nickname, she looked at me as if pleading, "Please tell me why, or what happened?"

"I was blackmailed." She whispers back, looking down at the ground her hair falling against her face. "Hadley, who is it that's blackmailing? What do they have against you?" I asked getting confused and curious, why would someone blackmail her?

"Trevor, I'm pregnant."

My eyes widened as she sat there silently, waiting for my reaction, 'we didn't.... did we? Crap that damn party! I was drugged I might have done something!' I panicked in my head but then realised Hadley was still waiting on an answer, calmly, patiently waiting.

"Who is the father?" I asked in all concern slowly getting up and sitting beside her, wrapping my arm around her side in comfort, "Don't worry, it's not yours, you're safe." She spat as if that was all I wanted to here. But no, I was truly concerned on who was blackmailing her to do this, and why?

"That's not the question I asked, look Hades, I really do care, who's the father and why is he blackmailing you?"

Tightly closing her eyes she sighed, "Chris." I heard her barely whisper, "Chris used me to get information and then in the end got me pregnant. When he found out he told me he couldn't be the father, but he knew my parents wouldn't be pleased with me being pregnant just before I go to college so, he used it against me. All I want to so is make my mom and dad proud. I thought he was just going to try and make Rachel paranoid, not break her heart. I'm sorry, I fell for his stupid plan and I didn't even know." She cried burying her head into my shirt as it became wet.

"Shhh, it's okay, you didn't know." I tried to comfort her, stroking her hair, just like I did when Rachel was stressed or upset. "Worse of all," She hiccuped "I thought he actually loved me, but instead he used me, made love to me so I would tell him everything, act like a gentlemen, but he's just a filthy crazy asshole."


Soooooooo.... how's it going?

Did yous kind of expect this or....

Uhm yeah so I hope you enjoy..

Do any of you watch any minecraft Youtubers? Maybe the Pack?

Because I might be making a certain Fanfiction about a little Aussie... if you know who that is then maybe you'd be interested :p

So yeah, hope you all had a great Easter :D Byeee guyssss

Rachel out :p

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