Chapter 19

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The week we spent with Trevor's family was at first relaxing and happy but then everything started to go downhill.

The first two days were fine, we caught up with anything we missed while we were on tour (Blake was planning to ask give his girlfriend a promise ring) and I beat Blake and Trevor at Mario Kart like old times, so it was all happy days... Until Wednesday.

Trevor started to act weird, we were sleeping in separate rooms to please Trevor's mom, and for those two days, each morning and night Trevor would come in and kiss me, or wish me a good night or morning. But on Wednesday, I woke up at the usual time (10am) and went downstairs to help with the breakfast as I normally did.

Trevor didn't come down till one o'clock. Which we thought was strange because he normally (always) left his room at 11 at the latest. We had tried to get him out of his room earlier but he locked his door and we didn't have a spare key. Blake called him on his phone but he didn't answer, I asked him so many time from outside his door for him to come out but he didn't.

It was one day until his birthday, until he was nineteen, and we were all afraid that everything that happened over the weeks was slowly catching up on him.

Hearing about Chris. O2L splitting up.

It would be normal right? He was upset about it, but now, it was Thursday night, the night of Trevor's birthday. He was out all day, hanging out with some of his old friends which I thought was great, at least he was out of his room

He promised to be back by at least nine so we could spend some time together, I actually made him a small chocolate cake and I was gonna order in Chinese and maybe it could just be us for the night.

But that night he didn't come home at nine, and I was left alone... I remember it so clearly.

At midnight I gave up waiting so I covered the cake so it wouldn't go stale over night and I retreated to my room, which was opposite Trevor's.

I remember twisting and turning in bed but not being able to go to sleep, I was too worried about Trevor.

By three thirty I heard the front door open and Blake silently cursing as if struggling, and then he whispered, "You screwed up Trev, real bad."

Trevor grunted in reply as I heard them slowly trudge up the stairs, Blake probably lifting Trevor most of the way, "You shouldn't have had those beers man, you should have just left it at two." He kept silently telling Trevor off and Trevor would only grunt in reply each time.

"Rachel is going to hate you for ditching, and god knows what else you did at that party."

"Shut up." He slurred loudly instantly making Blake shush him as they entered Trevor's room after the door clicked open.

I turned around on my left side and began to think about all the things that Trevor could've done at the party, non of them good.

After hearing footsteps leave Trevor's room I became frozen and silent (if anyone starts singing let it go the puppet and golden freddie from Five nights at Freddie's 2 will come after you!) there was a light knock I my door before it opened as Blake walked in already knowing I was awake and heard everything.

"Hey." He whispered, walking over and sitting at the edge of the bed, I sadly and tiredly smiled, "Hey." I sat up before continuing, "So, do you know what happened?"

Before answering he shook his head sighing, "One of Trevor's old friends, I think his name is James, yeah well he called me and said Trevor was drunk and passed out on the couch. I had to leave Emily's house and drove straight to the club he was at."

I frowned at the mention of him leaving his girlfriend to help Trevor, I know they're brothers and all but that's not fair on Blake, Trevor should have known not to drink too much.

"I think he's still depressed over o2l ending, but he should be back to normal soon, and if he's not by Sunday when You's are leaving, I'll kick his ass." Blake joked chuckling at his own words.

"Nah, I can do the ass kicking myself, but of course you can help him up when I'm finished." I replied back in the same joking manner making both of us chuckle, forgetting what happened for a while.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a long to until Blake side, "I better get to bed, but listen, whatever Trevor did tonight, dot blame yourself for it, because I know that's probably the first thing you'll do."

I slowly nodded and sadly smiled up at Blake in appreciation, "Thanks Blake, goodnight."

"Goodnight Rae, sweet dreams."


Yay new chapter!

I might not update for a few days, I'm studying for my mock irish oral on Thursday and then I have it again next week as well as a mock French oral.

So, how've you guys been? I've been stressing out over exam work but I can handle most of it by now. :)

So, what do you think will happen in later chapters? Did Trevor do something bad at the club or did he just mess around with friends?

Please leave a vote and comment and I'll try to update when I can. :) byeeeee

Rachel out :p

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