Chapter 33

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*Songs I listened to while writing this chapter:
-Like we usd to - A rocket to the moon
-Goodbye (I'm Sorry) - Jamestown Story
-A Letter to the Heart - Carrie Hope Fletcher*

"I'll text you when I'm coming back." I promised tightly hugging Ally in thanks, "Be safe, and please don't do anything stupid." I nod promising her. I left the room and avoided as many people as possible, making sure I didn't bump into Blair on the way. I reached the door and showed the security guard my pass, "Can you not tell anyone I left? I need some air but I'm not suppose to leave." He slowly nodded and I gratefully smiled thanking him.

It was turning dark so quick, the street lamps were starting to come on and the air was getting colder. I wrapped my arms around myself in attempt to keep warm. Hesitantly I looked behind me as I felt like someone was was looking, watching me, a shiver ran down my spine as I saw nobody there.

"C'mon Rachel, you're overreacting." I spoke to myself shaking my head, Suddenly a hand forcefully grabbed my shoulder spinning me around while the other hand was caught tightly around my waist, "Let me go!" I gasped as I looked around for someone to help me, The man was wearing a mask, yet I think I know him... Maybe-"Hey! LET HER GO!" A familiar voice shouted barging into the man as he let go of me and fell to the floor. Chris fell on top of him and the guy hit him in the chest making him rollover coughing, the guy immediately jumped up and ran off, away from us.

"Chris?" I breathed, walking over and kneeling beside him, his face was red from the blow he just took and his breathing was ragged, "You have to be more careful on the streets." Was the only thing he said as he looked up at me, as if he noticed something his gaze turned concerned, "Why were you out here in the first place?" He asked, his breathing slowly going back to normal, "Uhm, I just-" Sighing I shook my head.

"I got into a fight with Trevor." I admitted, "Really?" He asked as if he was actually interested, I nodded slowly. Chris sat up slowly and wrapped his arms around me, "Do you want to talk about it?" He questioned as my hands weakly wrapped around his sides.

"You, want to talk about my problems, with my boyfriend?" I slowly ask in confusion, he nods looking at me seriously as he says, "Rachel, even though we broke up I still care about you, no matter what you think, I'm here if you want to tell me."

Shakily sighing I nodded, I needed to tell someone, "He, he cheated on me." I let out as a single tear left my eye before more followed, "Oh Rachel." Chris sighed sadly, pulling me into his chest, stroking my hair. It felt comfortable, and it strangely felt right....

I lifted my head off his chest and looked at him and Chris gazed back, "Chris, why do you care about me?" I asked, "Is that suppose to be a joke?" He asked as if hurt, I shook my head, "Rachel, you're beautiful, perfect, way too perfect for anyone, you deserve the best, I truly am sorry for breaking your heart, I'm still madly in love with you Rachel, I can treat you better than him, I promise I would this time." He spoke lifting his hand to my cheek, caressing it softly.

"Please don't cry." He whispered, wiping away the stray tears that Were there, he began to lean in closer, and I didn't stop him as he gently kissed my forehead, jaw, cheek, corner of mouth, but before going near my lips he gazed at me, "You deserve better than Trevor, he shouldn't have cheated on you, especially after what you've been through with me."

His lips slowly met mine and I became frozen still to the ground, Chris Collins was kissing me, the dick that cheated on me was now consoling me and kissing me... And I wasn't stopping him.

"It was even worse that it was your sister." He spoke as he detached our lips for just a second, I suddenly pushed him away scrunching my eyebrows up in confusion and he fell back, "How did you know that?" I questioned in confusion, until it became clear, "Rachel, what do you mean?"

"How did you know it was my sister he kissed? I never told you that!" "I-I.." He stutted as he tried to think of an answer. It was now all clear to me, "You set this up, didn't you?! You complete fúcking sick ásshole! You turned my sister against me! Just so you could get me back, you twisted individual!"

"No Rachel, It's not like that!" He begged as I got up in disbelief, it was a trap, but it doesn't mean Trevor couldn't have pushed her away, he was full on kissing her back, his hands up her shirt. I shivered at the memory of the horrid picture, "You're a sick person Chris, but using my own sister against me is more than wrong, I hope you burn in hell!" I shout storming off angerly calling the first cab I saw, luckily I had twenty dollars, just enough to get me back to Blairs and then I could grab my money to get back.

When I arrived at the house I paid the driver and got in immediately running up to ou- my temporary room and throwing any clothes that fell out of the bag back into it. I took my phone out of my pocket and my purse sliding the card out of the holder I dialed the number, "Hello, this is Jillian Parker- "

"Jillian it's me Rachel Dillon, you came to see me at Trevor Morans show." I rushed in wiping my eyes from any stray tears, "Ah yes Rachel, what is this about?"

Taking in a deep breath I nodded to myself, 'it's for the best.' "I would like to take you up on your offer if it is still available." "Oh that is truly perfect dear, how soon do you want me to get you a flight to England?" She asked happily, "Uhm tonight?"

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