Chapter 10

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Rachel's P.O.V

"Yeah that's great news!" I smiled holding the phone against my ear, "Sorry for overreacting Con, I just swore that I felt something was wrong." I admitted.

"It's fine Rae, you were worried about you're sister, but now you know she's fine." He paused and sighed, "Look, I have to go, the boys say hi, especially Ricky."

He chuckled making me smile, "Tell him I miss him to and I love him, bye Con talk to you soon." After saying bye he hung in and I told Trevor the good news.

"See, I told you everything was fine." He smiled pulling me into a hug and then falling back onto the bed making me giggle.

"Yeah, so after tonight, what's the plan?" I ask rolling off him and onto the free space beside him.

"Well, I know after we're finished here in Dublin we are going back to London for another two days. We have two interviews I think, and one more show."

I nod while entwining our fingers together, we were suppose to be at rehearsals an hour ago but shhhhh, Blair thinks we're caught in traffic while getting food.

"Maybe we should start heading, the later we leave it the harder it will be to get there with all the traffic." Trevor sighs but he knows I'm right.

He gets off the bed pulling me up with him and lifts me up throwing me over his shoulder, "To the Arena!" He shouts running out the hotel room door closing it quickly behind us and then running to the elevator still not letting me off his back.

An elderly woman and a darker skinned man stood in the elevator when it opened, Trevor steppe in and pressed the ground floor.

It was quiet for the ride down to the lobby floor, the sound of the soft elevator music the only thing keeping me from randomly starting a conversation with the woman beside me, only because I couldn't see the man thanks to Trevor's body in the way.

"Trevor, slow down!" I gasp as he runs out of the elevator as soon as the doors open earning a few glares from the workers.

"Trevor seriously be careful we could-" suddenly Trevor trips and lands on the ground me falling on too of him, "Fall." I ended my last sentence gasping from shock.

I push myself off the ground and help Trevor up and we walk, we more like limp, over to the car waiting for us, Blair surprisingly sat inside.

"Stuck in traffic eh?" He asked us in annoyance. I silently got into the car and sat behind him in the back sit while Trevor sat in front, he would easily get told off by Blair on our way to the arena.

"Let's go, we'll be even more late." He grunts starting the car and driving off to the arena.


"Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me." I opened my eyes after finishing my performance and shifted them in front of me, at the empty arena, "Great practice Rachel, now if we can get you and Trevor to do a song together then I think we're set!" Blair calls and Trevor comes on stage.

We decided to sing 'Bang Bang' because this was for the last song of the night and we wanted everyone to have fun. It should be great fun, and then we go back to London again for two days, I know we're going to a anti-bullying festival one day but what's to happen on the second day is unknown to me. Maybe Trevor will tell me... Maybe.

Shitty chapter I know I'm sorry but I needed to get a chapter out before tomorrow because I'm getting my iPod screen fixed (thank god!) and I won't have it for a few days, I mean how am I gonna live?!?!

I can't listen to music in school to ignore everyone and I can't go on wattpad in school Dx. that also means that I won't be able to comment or talk back to comments or DM's for a while but please be don't be afraid to leave a comment or suggestion, I will read or answer it as soon as I get my iPod back!

Also if you can could you give this chapter a vote, it would mean a lot and it tells me that you are willing to, read more, I should hopefully have a new chapter up when I have my iPod again :) that's it for now, bye guys for a while!!!!!

Rachel out :p

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