Chapter 37 (Last Chapter)

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*This was really hard to write :'(*

Trevor's P.O.V

I sat in ou- my bedroom as I held the letter in my hand. I read it over a hundred times now, I just can't believe she's gone.


I'm not going to go in on a full heartfelt letter because the truth is you hurt me, and I can't stand to be in any distance of you for a good while, I don't hate you but I am shocked and furious on what you did, especially after you PROMISED me you wouldn't be like him, but I guess all of you are the same.

Here's the thing, I don't want you to look for me, try to hunt me down because the truth is I don't want to be found, especially by you. So go ahead and move on with your life because that's what I'm going to do.


Connor's P.O.V

I sat next to Troye as he read the letter out loud to me once again. Tears stained my cheeks but I still listened, hoping that maybe something would change, hoping that it was all a trick.

Dear Connor,

How can I say goodbye to a brother
That has helped me though so much? I can't, but I have to so here it goes.

Connor, I want to thank you for everything you have done, from helping me deal with silly teenage situations to listening to me when I needed someone to talk to, I will miss our late night talks and the movie nights we shared when I wasn't myself.

But don't let me stop you from living your life. Keep doing what you're doing on YouTube and spend as much time as possible with Troye, don't let the stress of me being gone bring you down on your life ahead.

You and Troye deserve as much time together as possible and your love for coffee must stay the same, don't let me stop you from doing and drinking what you love ;) (See I'm still your same embarrassing sister, oh and hi Troye)

Love life ahead and don't let anything stop you from living it, because whether you like it or not, I'm living my own life and so should you.

Your crazy but amazing sister,
Rachel xx

Sam's P.OV

Dear Sam,

I know this is probably the worst time for this to happen but it's for the best. thank you Sam for being a loving and supportive brother and someone I could count on to beat at Mario Kart.

I know your life isn't the greatest right now but please understand that I'm not gone forever, When the time is right I will see you again, and I just need you to be strong, go on with life.

I heard you were going on another tour with all those Viners, give Cameron and Shawn a hug from me and remind them that everything will be okay.

If you ever feel the need to talk to someone you can always go to any of the boys and I'm 100% sure Ally will be there for you too.

You're not alone Sam, just remember that.

Your caring sister,
Rachel xxx

Kian's P.O.V

Dear Kian,

Now how do I start? We've been through hell over the years haven't we? I guess that's in our nature, us fighting, even over the little things.

But you have to trust me on my decision okay? This is not goodbye, this is just see you later, which we will, someday. I promise you everything is okay and there is nobody to blame for this so lucky for you you don't have to try and kill someone!

You know the necklace you have me and the chain broke? I left the chain in the envelope if you haven't already found it. I'll keep the pendant to remember what an awesome brother you were and you keep the necklace to remember how much of an idiot you were for not checking it ;) just kidding I love you lots <3

If you're ever feeling stressed or down go to the others because they will know what to do, and remind them that you'll be there for them (especially Sam, I don't think he knows how much people actually care)

But Kian, please remember that I love you and will always be your silly sister that still can't do that damn crab face! Jesus you still have to teach me someday mister! xx

Rachel x

Jc's P.O.V

I finished reading Kian's letter out to him and now it was my turn. I still can't believe she's gone.

Dear Jc my crazy brother,

How many times have we tried to prank the boys and failed? Like fifteen? Wow, I still can't believe Ricky didn't fall for the water bucket prank, if only we put the bucket on the other door!

Wow it's really hard to write this, so maybe I'll just remind you of some awesome memories.

Remember the day I was adopted and you cried because I bet you in a penny board race? You claimed later on that you did it on purpose, really? just couldn't handle that you were bet by a girl huh? :p

Or when we played football and I 'accidentally' tripped Sam so you could get the ball? He was so annoyed after that! wouldn't talk to me for a full five hours! But it was worth it 100%, especially when I saw you shouting happily and running around because we won! Even wishbone joined you on the little victory.

Make sure you remember these memories in the hardest times, or try to think of other ones, we have plenty and so do you with the other boys! Thank you Jc for pranking the boys with me and then blaming it all on me!

Your partner in crime
Rachel xx

Ricky's P.O.V

No, she can't be gone, I'm not going to believe it, but yet why am I holding this note in my hands if its not true? And why didn't Trevor tell us? It was Ally who flew over to us to give them to us in person, but as I read the letter over and over again, I wish she didn't.

Dear Ricky,

I'm sorry,
When reading this I want you to understand that none of this is your fault, this was completely my decision and I don't want you to blame anyone but me.

We may not be seeing much of each other for a while, I've moved on from my life with Trevor, I want to be more than I was with him, I'm not saying that my life was bad with any of you, because my life with you guys was the best journey I've been on, but I'm old enough now to go on my own adventures.

I love you to the moon and back and I just want you to know that you have been the best fath- Dad that anyone could ever have, but I'm happy you're mine. I know you don't deserve finding out this way but maybe someday we'll reunite and I can try to explain everything. But please, don't try to look for me.

Faith may bring us back together someday but for now I want you to try and enjoy your life, get a girlfriend, focus on your music and your life because trust me, I will be fine.

Loving you always,

Your daughter,
Rachel xx


I almost cried while writing this chapter, there were literal tears in my eyes.

Rachel out :p

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