Chapter 11

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"So Trevy, who else is singing tonight?" I asked as we entered the clearing where the festival would be held.

"Hmm, well I think Bars and Melody, Demi Lovato and a few others I'm not sure yet myself?" He shrugs, I nod and continue to walk with him, people were at work getting everything set up, food carts, merch stands, a games tent. Treor said that the stage has been up since yesterday so at least that was already done.

"Have you been to an anti-bullying festival before?" I asked him, he shakes his head, he's bringing strangely quiet today.... maybe he's just in a bad mood.

"So we get to sing a meet fans and other people?" I continue to talk, after I while I sense Trevor becoming greatly annoyed at me so I shut up.

We went through rehearsals and practiced our two songs that we reached picked. I even got to meet Demi and BAM! they were so nice, Leo was telling me how I would love his brother and his band Overload.

We all say behind the stage curtains as the field filled up with teenages, kids and some adults. Time for a great show!


"Hey guys, now let's welcome my friend Rachel to the stage!" Charlie for BAM shouted making the crowd cheer as I walked out onto the stage, microphone in hand. "So is everyone good?" I asked and earned a low shout from the crowd. "I can't hear you." I encouraged them making them shout louder, I smiled happily, "Okay well I'm going to play two songs that mean a lot to me, so hope you enjoy!"

I look over and nod at the music person and he starts the track.
"When heaven seems so far away, and dreams are just a memory...." I began to sing one of my favourite songs.

After finishing the song I suddenly got an idea, "For this next song I would like to bring up someone to help me, any good singers here?" I asked looking around at the crowd, I suddenly noticed a bunch of guys and girls pointing at their friend while she vigorously shook her head at them slapping their hands away while she blushed.

I walked down off the stage and walked over to the group, they were probably in and around 14-17 years old. I stood beside the door and crouched down slightly so I was at her level, "Whats your name love?" I asked offering her the microphone.

"M-my name's Charlie." She muttered shyly into the mic. I gasped and smiled brightly, "Just like Charlie from Bars and Melody! are you a fan of them?" I asked her and she nodded and began to smile, "They helped me through so much, I could never thank them enough." She went on, her friends smiled beside her.

"Well, how about you meet them and maybe sing with them on stage?" I offered. He eyes widened and her face grew white, she shook her head frantically, "I-I can't, I can't sing." She answered backing away only to be lock by the oldest boy in the group, I assumed he was her brother as he had the same eyes and facial features.

"Cee c'mon that's a complete lie! You're amazing, show everyone how good you are! Show Leo and Charlie how good you are." He encouraged her, she looked behind her at him and sighed but nodded, "Okay, but can I pick a song first?" she asked, I nodded and held her hand, leading her back stage.

"We'll be back in a few minutes where Bars and Melody come back and or new guest Charlie shows us what she's can do!" The man spoke over a different mic so everyone can hear. "Do you want to meet the boys first?" I asked, she smiled and shyly nodded, I looked around until I spotted Leo in the distance, "Hey Leo!" I shouted making him spin around, I had turned off my microphone for the moment, "Go get Charlie, so both of you can meet this Charlie." I playfully shook Charlie's shoulders making her giggle.

"Sure thing, one sec!" He answered running off. I led Charlie over to two seats where we sat down and began to discuss song ideas until BAM came over and greeted Charlie.

She was smiling the whole time she talked to them, they decided to sing Hopeful because it was Charlie's favourite song and they all said I could join in. "I'll just sing background." I smile glancing at Charlie. Boy Charlie that is. He was gazing at girl Charlie while she blushed after noticing him.

Awwww, someone had a crush!
"Okay guys, we have to get out there!" The stage guy came over and told us. we nodded and Boy Charlie gave girl Charlie his microphone and he got another one.


"Charlie(b): Oh-oh-oh

Leo: Please help me God, I feel so alone
I'm just a kid, how can I take it on my own?
I've cried too many tears, yeah, writing this song
Trying to fit in. Where do I belong?

I wake up every day, don't wanna leave my home
My mamma's askin' me why I'm always alone
Too scared to say, too scared to holler
I'm walking to school with sweat around my collar

I'm just a kid, I don't want no stress
My nerves are bad, my life's a mess
The names you call me, they hurt real bad
I want to tell my Mom
She's havin' trouble with my Dad
I feel so trapped, there's nowhere to turn

Come to school
Don't wanna fight I wanna learn
So please mister Bully
Tell me what I've done
You know I have no Dad
I'm livin' with my Mom

Charlie(g): Cause I'm hopeful, yes, I am
Hopeful for today
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away
And be hopeful, hopeful
And He'll make a way
I know it ain't easy but that's okay
Just be hopeful." Her voice rang through the speakers and everyone in the crowd went speechless.

Even Leo and Charlie looked at her in shock when she sang, she was really good! They continued to sing and I joined in every while. in the end everyone applauded and girl Charlie wore a bright smile on his face, "That was amazing!" She squealed running up and attacking me in a hug making me almost topple over, "Thank you Thank you Thank you!" She gushed making me chuckle.

I looked up and saw other Charlie waiting for her, so I nudged her and nodded my head towards Charlie making her spin around and smile at the boy. She ran in and attacked the boy in a hug and then Leo. the festival soon finished with Trevor singing his part, he wink in my direction as he walked onto the stage.

The four of us, Me, the two Charlie's and Leo, sat around and talked and chatted, We all exchanged numbers and promised to keep in contact with each other. Especially boy Charlie with girl Charlie, I could see a relationship growing between the two!

When the festival was over we brought Charlie back to her friends and then me and Trevor met up and said goodbye to everyone else. Well day one was finished, now for day two!


I got my iPod back!!!!!!!

I swear I was going insane without it!

Two night ago I began to talk to myself and I created conversations between me and other celebs.....

That felt weird.

But it's back and I am happy and yay here's a new chapter!

Hope you enjoy!

I'm going to go and listen to music forever and then write some chapters :D


Rachel out :p

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