Chapter 18

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"Hey guys its Trevor, sorry that I'm quieter than usual in this video, the party was last night and there are people sleeping and I don't want to wake them."

Trevor spoke, I watched him from my old bedroom window, where Lia and Meghan were still asleep from last night, it was 8am but I couldn't go back to sleep, and from what I see, neither could Trevor.

"This shouldn't be a sad video this should be happy, We're not finishing videos we're just making a new chapter! O2L was the first one and you guys finished it, well done, but now it's time to read chapter two and see what happens."

I smiled as he smiled at the camera, I knew for a fact it was hurting him to smile at the moment because of what he was filming but still he smiled to try and show everything was okay,

"I will obviously be going back on tour with Rachel, hopefully meet loads of you! and I have other things that I'm working on that I can't wait for you to see, so for the last time on this channel..... Goodbye."

He hit the button and sighed, burying his face into his hands. Quietly I slipped out onto the edge of the window and slid down the ledge jumping off with ease from my height. I was taller than I was two years ago.

I slowly made my way over to Trevor, who hasn't noticed my presence just yet. He quietly shook as tears dampened his face, "It's a new chapter Trevor, just like you said." He jumped up in surprise and gazed at me with teary eyes.

"You don't understand, it's just so hard." he cried looking back down at the ground, I looked around to make sure no one was awake before walking closer and siting on his lap hugging him close, "I know what you guys are going through, you guys are literally my family, but trust me, everyone will understand. Now c'mon, we're not going back on tour that quickly." I smiled remembering what I asked Blair and him agreeing.

I pulled Trevor to his feet after I got up and led him into the house so I could tell him what I had planned.


"Hey Trevor, do you know the way your birthday is next week and we're suppose to be going on tour?" I asked taking the envelope out of my bag that was untouched on the kitchen counter.

He nodded his eyebrows furrowed up in confusing, "Well, I asked Blair and he decided that it was okay so..." I handed him the envelope and he took it off me ripping it opening and looking at the words I wrote inside as his eyes widen in surprise.

"We're spending a week with my family?"

He spoke in shock, I giggled and nodded as he all of a sudden lifted me up and spun me around, "Thank you!" He shouted ever so loudly making me quickly shush him, "Thank you." He whispered again pulling me into a hug.


Really quick chapter before school, can't say much because I'm in a rush, hope you enjoy, what do you think will happen?

Rachel out :p

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