Chapter 30

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I woke up with a pair of arms tightly but comfortably wrapped around me. I smiled as I turned my head and saw Trevor sleeping soundly. checking my phone I noticed that it was only seven am, so I slept five hours... great.

Sighing I leaned into his body and fell back asleep. Listening to the best of his heart.

"Rachel." I heard someone whisper and gently shake me. "Hmm." I mumbled slowly opening my eyes to see Trevor. "What time is it?" I ask yawning, stretching my arms before slowly sitting up, "Its eleven, Ally is going out at Twelve so I decided to wake you, since you wanted to go with her right?"

I nodded smiling gratefully at him, "So how did your night go?" I asked, he chuckled siting beside me on the bed.
"Well my head hurts a lot, but it was good, I got to catch up with some old friends." He smiled happily.

Jokingly I responded, "Can you even remember anything?" "Hey!" He laughed playfully pushing my shoulder. "I can remember most of the night, I was half asleep after my third drink weirdly. My friend James texted me saying he drove me home, since he didn't have any drink."

I nodded at his story, "Well, I think I'm gonna get dressed, where's Ally at the moment?" I asked realising she isn't in the room at all, "She went to get breakfast." I nodded once again and got up grabbing some clothes from my suitcase and going into the bathroom.

'Something happened last night.' My conscious spoke, trying to worry me, "No." I denied shaking my head as I fixed my Troye Sivan shirt over my jeans. I quickly took a picture and put it on twitter,

Representing in my @TroyeSivan shirt, #Trxye

I stayed in the bathroom a bit longer, scrolling through the tweets, until I came across Troyes response and laughed,

@TroyeSivan: Representing my #Revor ship,@RachelDillon @TrevorMoran

He added a picture of him, also in a bathroom, wearing a 'Revor' shirt that a fan made him, it's basically a picture of me and Trevor last year or something when we went to an award show, we were both smiling happily at each other, and I guess the picture got around.

"Babe, you ready?" Trevor called knocking on the door before opening it, "I saw the tweets, we have to get a Tronnor one done for when they come out."

I excitedly nod in agreement, following him out of the bathroom. We both slipped on our shoes before leaving the room and going downstairs to the restaurant. We met up with Ally and got a quick breakfast.

"So Rachel, are we singing our new song tonight?" Ally asks happily, I think about it for a while and then shake my head, "Lets leave it for Norway, I want to see if we can change anything, or maybe add something, I don't know." I shrugged.

Afterwards myself and Ally left Trevor to go shopping. "You excited for Norway?" Ally asks as she examines the studded shirt in her hand. "I guess-" I shrug, holding the two new shirts in my hand. "Please don't tell me you're thinking about that text." She groans and I now my head down.

"It's hard not to think about it." I mutter, sighing Ally drops the shirt and comes over and hugs me tightly, "Trevor love you, he wouldn't do anything bad to you. He's not Chris."

The mention of Chris sent horrid memories into my mind, no, Trevor will never be like him. Trevor helped me, comforted me when I was going through that break up.

"Here, lets not think about it, want to grab some Starbucks?" Ally suggests, I nod and we pay for our clothes immediately going over to our shop. I decided to get a hot chocolate while Ally grabbed herself a chocolate frappuchino with loads of cream.

"Hey, just think, after this tour you and Trevor will be planning your freaking wedding, he wouldn't have proposed if he didn't love you." Ally spoke once again on the subject, taking a sip of her drink. My pone went off, playing Trevor's ringtone, "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey babe, can you come back early? We need to do rehearsals, some of the mics aren't working so we need to see which ones." "Uhm, okay?" I answer in confusion saying goodbye and hanging up, "Trevor says we have to go to rehearsals now." I inform Ally, we get up and leave the cafe, taking our drinks with us.

We finally arrive at the stadium, we throw our drinks out and rush inside since it took us a half an hour to get here... stupid traffic.

"Woah slow down!" Trevor calls as he catches me before I go any further into the building. Ally stops and stands beside me, "So, rehearsals?" She asks, gesturing to the stage. We nod and all walk towards there.

There's a woman standing at the entrance at the stage as we arrive, confusingly I look at Trevor who glances down at me as we approach the woman, "Rachel, Ally this is Jillian Parker, she's a manager to a few bands and artists, she's here to see our show tonight."

Trevor introduces us to her and we shake hands, "Oh please, call me Jill, And yes, I work in the music business, when I heard your voice Rachel, I was amazed! You're a very talented woman." She compliments, I nod and thank her smiling, "This is Ally, we're kind of an act together now, she just joined us on tour."

Jillian nods at Ally politely, "I'm looking for new artists to manager, maybe either of you would be interested?" She asks, handing both myself and Ally a card, "I'm pretty comfortable with Blair being my manager, but thanks for the offer." I politely decline.

"Ah, I see, well, if you change your mind just call that number." We nod and thank her for a last time, before going to rehearse.


Some boys are pigs,

And life is rough

But you have to push through the bad times,

If you want to get to the good.

Friendships fall apart,

And new ones are made,

Maybe it was for the best?

Your friends will always be there for you,

And if they aren't they're not your friends.

Stress builds up,

And some dreams fall apart,

Why is my life this way?

I learned most of these the hard way,

But still I go through life with a smile on my face

And everyone thinks I'm Okay.

~HeyItsRae 26-3-2015

A little crappy poem by me describing my feeling from the past few weeks.

Reading and writing is really the best way for me to forget all the negative things in life and I just want to thank everyone, my readers and friends, you're one in a million, but I couldn't ask for anyone better to share my stories with x

Rachel out :p

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