Chapter 1.

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The next day I woke up with a killer headache. I looked around my room and I saw what I did last night. After me and my dad had an argument, I came home and crashed everything I could.

There was glass all over the floor and a huge dent in the wall. Yes, I know I am a violent person. I just hate the thought of getting married. I don't want to be wrapped around anyone's finger.

Anyway, then at around midnight my dad called and he said that he has someone in mind. I will never and I repeat never marry some chick that my dad had chosen for me.Never.

Shit! He told me to meet him today. I hurried up and took a quick shower. I got dressed in a polo shirt and some white khakis, to finish it off I topped my outfit off with white converse. I sound like such a girl.

It took me a whole hour to finish my hair. It is the most valuable thing in my life. It has to be spiked up in one direction. Not, the band one direction. Then I have to put gel on each little price so it could be perfect.

I grabbed my wallet and I put it in my back pocket as I made my way out of my house.

I opened my garage and saw Max. I put on my ray bans and I got in. I turned on the music channel and I put it on the highest volume. It was blasting like crazy.

I made my way to my dads place and it took me about 20 minutes to get there. That is a new record for me. I decided not to knock and I barged in. Barging in is how I like it. That sounded weird.

"What's up pops?!" I yelled as I walked in and took a seat on the couch. I rested my feet on the coffee table and I placed my arms under my head.Then I closed my eyes and made myself comfortable.

"Son..we have company." he said and even though he should no emotion in his voice. He was angry.

"Oh..Okay." I replied.Honestly I did not really care, but I have to show at least a little respect.

I dropped my feet off the table and I sat up.

"Happy?" I asked him and then he nodded. I smirked at him. He sat on the couch opposite of me and he motioned for the person in the corner to come close.

"Who is that?" I asked him and he smiled.

"Your bride." he replied and smiled again.
"No way in hell!" I yelled back at him.

The girl sat down next to my father and she was fully clothed. Not an inch of skin showing anywhere. She was wearing a red top that reached just below her knees with black leggings. She had a scarf wrapped around her hair and she barely made any eye contact with me at all.

"Son...please think about this seriously." I heard my dad say and I sighed loudly.

"Who is seriously?" I asked him and pointed at her.
"She is one of my friends daughters and her name is Mariam." He said and patted her shoulder.

She finally looked up to me and I gasped. Her right eye was swollen really bad. Her lip was busted a bit, but other than that she was beautiful. Was she abused or something?

"How old are you?" I asked her and she looked down at her feet like they were the most interesting thing ever.

"18." she replied in a whisper voice.

"Dad I can't." I said to him as I ran my hands through my hair.

"Why?Give me one valid reason!" He yelled at me and I sighed again.

Was he trying to piss me off? That girl is not my type and he knows it.

"She is not my type and she is too young!" I yelled back at him and he laughed. The girl just put her face in her hands.

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