Chapter 16.

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Mariam's POV:

That.....that pig! How dare he do that? In front of me too!

"Mariam, come back!" I heard him yell as he started running behind me.
I ignored him and I kept running. He really does not respect me one bit.

"Mariam!" He yelled again as he was gaining on me.

I looked ahead of me and I noticed that I was close to the doors. I opened the door and right before I walked out, he grabbed my arm.

"Gotcha!" He said as he grabbed by arm. I turned to look at him and we were both out of breath.
"Next time can you run a little slower?" He asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Let me go." I said and he shook his head.

"No." he said with much anger than I have ever seen before.

"We are both leaving." He said and I nodded. I knew that he was going to drag me there anyway so.
"Fine." I said as I pulled my arm away from him and I walked past him.

"Where is your car?" I asked as he came over to me and held my hand.

I looked at our intertwined hands and I could not express my feelings at all. What is he doing? He smiled at me and then we started walking towards the car.

He opened he door for me and then all of the sudden I heard a man's voice. I looked up to see who it was and It was Shane's dad. I forgot his name.

"Salam Mariam!" My father in law said as we both shook hands. I just smiled at him.

"How's married life so far?" He asked me and I looked at Shane before answering the guy.

Shane as giving me the say-the-most-amazing-thing-look. That look was creepy and I guess he wanted me to lie, but I have never lied before. How about the truth?

"We are still trying to compromise." I said to his dad and his dad smiled at me.

Then I felt Shay's hand grab mine and I squeezed his hand back in return.
It's all just an act.

"We better get going!" Shane said as he kissed my cheek and I smiled sweetly.
I can't believe he just did that to me. Our first physical kiss is staged in front of his father.

"Why are you two in a rush?" His dad asked him and he turned to me.

"We need to get going because...........We have an appointment with the doctor for Mar."

He said and I prayed silently that he father won't ask what doctor. This is all lie.

"What doctor?Whats wrong Mariam?" He asked me and I turned to Shane to help me.
"It's a......uh...pregnancy doctor" Shane finished and my face turned really red.

OMG! Help us. What are we going to do now? Why could he not think of anything else?

"Congratulations!" His dad said as he hugged me and I looked at Shane with the corner of my eye and I made a note to strangle him.

"Thanks." I said and I got in the car as soon as I saw him turn to his son.
"She is just shy!" Shane said to his dad as he closed my car door for me.

"Alright, Go see her soon and take care of my grandson!" His dad said and Shane nodded before getting inside the car.

He closed his car door and turned up the music.

As soon as we pulled out, I turned to him and I saw him smirking.

Lying is so easy for him, it's probably a hobby for him.

"Your such a jerk." I said as I slapped the back of his head.

He turned down the music and I hit him again.

"Why all the hitting?" He asked me between laughter.

"I just really like hitting you." I answered sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"No you just like touching me." He said and I rolled my eyes again.

"Sure I do." I answered him and he smirked.

"A pregnancy doctor? Really?" I asked and he laughed.

"I could not think of anything else on the spot." He said and I laughed.

"Okay, I will give you that." I said in between laughter.

"Your dad thinks I'm pregnant now." I said suddenly series.

"I know I'm sorry." He said and I nodded.

Dang! He is too cute sometimes. I thought to myself.

"You should also be apologizing about what happened in your office!" I snapped at him and his eyes suddenly turned darker.

"Don't get involved in my personal life!" He said and I ignored.

"I'm your wife Shane!" I said as he clutched the wheel tighter.

"Don't call me Shane!" He snapped and I scoffed.

"I go by Shay alright." He said and I nodded.

"So are you and that slut together?" I asked him and he laughed.

"Why are you jealous?" He asked me and I wanted to say yes.

It bothers me so much and It should not. This is all a contract!

"No, I just want to know." I stated clearly and he scoffed.

"Babe....." He trailed off as we pulled in our driveway.

"What?" I asked him as he turned off the engine.

"Never mind." He said as he got out and closed the door.

I got out and slammed the door closed before following after him.
He can't keep running away from me. I ran after him and I closed the front door behind me. I took off my scarf and I took out the ponytail, letting my long hair sway as I walked.

"Shay.....stop!" I said as I grabbed his arm before he could go in our room.
"" He spat in my face and I flinched.

" can't keep running away from me !" I said and he nodded.
"I know that!" He said as he tried to close the door, but I placed my hand on his shoulder.

That feels weird.

"You sure are being all touchy today!" He said trying to lighten up the mood.
"Shut up." I snapped as he laughed.

"Do you not find me attractive?" I blurted out.

Why can I not shut up sometimes?

"What?" He asked as he sat on our bed.

"I said...Am I pretty or attractive?" I asked him again and this time he didn't laugh at me.

"Yes." He said and it was like a huge weight was lifted off my chest.

"I really like you." I said before I could take it back.

"Well...." He started and I looked up to him, holding on to every word he is about to say.

"Ya..." I began and then he finally said the words.

"I don't like you!" He said before walking out the room.

I sat there dumb founded. I cried my eyes out. That's it. I am done here.

"Go cheat on me again!" I yelled as he walked out.

As soon as I heard the front door slam close. I threw everything that was glass all over the place. He deserves this. What did I do to deserve this? What?

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