Chapter 2.

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So here I am about to walk in to Mariam's house. I really don't want to do this.Do I have to? I really don't,but I need too so I can inherit the family business. I open the door and walk might have noticed I don't like knocking.

I walk in and I take a seat on the sofa across from this other old guy. Seconds later my parents come in and that girl comes down. My dad and mom sit next to me and that girl sits next to her dad. He smiles at her and he looks at me and nods. I don't like him already.

"Say something.." My mom whispered in my ears and I just nodded.
"Salam?" I said. Hopefully I said that right.

"Wa'alaykom Al Salam." The old man replied.

"Okay...." I said and then I noticed it was getting really awkward. That girl was just sitting there looking at her hands and playing with her fingers. How interesting?

She was dressed really nicely today. I will not compliment her tho.

"We are here today to arrange a date for these two to get married inshallah!" I heard my dad say as my mom patted my shoulder.

I drank some water and I just could not calm down.

"I want to hear it from the young lad." The girls father said and he pointed at me. Seriously,I don't even want to be here and you have to make it worse.

"Look do you want me to marry her or nah?" I ask him as his mouth fells open in shock. The girls eyes widen as I winked at her.

"Okay..whatever..when do you guys want the Wedding?" My mom interrupted and the girls father almost immediately replied, "As soon as possible."

Why as soon as possible? There is something fishy going on. What is it?

"Alright..How about next Friday?" I heard my dad ask and the girl nodded without looking up.

Damn! She is probably shit scared of me.

"Son,What do you think?" My mom asked and I nodded.

It is very obvious that we both don't want this..But oh well.

"Come this way..Mariam made dinner." he said as he got up and my parents followed him.

I get up and walk behind my parents. The girl follows behind me. I wait until my parents are in the kitchen when I turn around to face her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her and she shook her head no.
"Tell me." I said through gritted teeth and she just moved right past me without looking at me.

That girl is so weird and different. She has no interest in me and its creepy.

I go to the kitchen and I see the table set with all different types of food. It looks amazing. My dad sat next to my mom and I say across from them next to my future wife. I'm not used to saying that and I never will.

She put good for everyone and then she sat down next to me. She moved her chair away from me and made herself comfortable. She is really pushing it here.

I started eating and I could not stop. It was mouthwatering. I think it was biryani or something. Amazing!

We finished eating about 20 minutes later and I was stuffed. Everyone got up to wash their hands and I stayed behind to talk to Mary. I seriously need to know her name.

"So..How do you feel about all this?" I asked her and she finally looked up a bit.

"It doesn't matter how I feel!" She said as she started washing the dishes.

"It does matter.." I said and she laughed.

Her laugh was so innocent and cute. Wait what!! She is not cute and she is most defiantly not innocent. This is all an act.

"No one ever cared about me.." she whispered and I nodded. I understand what she means..a little..I think.

"Well I guess we have to just accept this." I said and she nodded.

"I'll leave now." I said and she nodded at me again.

Why is she so shy? Why is she acting like this? Is it an act? Is she a devil behind her mask?

I sat back down at the living room and I zoned out. The elders were discussing politics and stuff about the wedding. Most boring time of my life.Mariam came in and sat next to her dad. He whispered something in her ear and she nodded.

She is actually pretty, but she has no fashion sense.Like literally zero and guess what I'm getting married to her next week. That thought made me laugh. I wish this was just a joke.

"So..Where are we going to live?" I asked and they all looked at me shocked. What? Is it because I'm talking about this marriage?

"At your place honey , where else?" My mom said and I nodded.

I will make a contract. Likes rules of do and dont's. First, no sharing a room. Second, ignore each other as much as possible. Third, Don't speak to each other when not needed too.

I just have to give her the contract when I am done. I will not be tied down to her no matter what. She is just a stick up bitch like the rest of the girls in the world are. I wish I could find a girl who is not after my money.

"Alright, so next Friday?" My dad asked and the girl nodded as we all stood up to leave.

"I will see you soon." My mom said to her future daughter in law and she nodded.

"Salam!" I yelled and walked out as soon as I could.

I got in my car and drove off without glancing back at anyone. They honestly think they can plan my whole life, then tell me about it. This is my life and I chose how I want to live!!

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