Chapter 23 part 2

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Mariam's POV:

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I walked into the kitchen.

"What do you think Mar?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Well are you cooking?" I asked him as I tried not to laugh. I know he did not cook because that is so unlike him.

"No, I'm ordering food." He said and I nodded. I knew it. He can't cook.

"Alright." I said and then his phone rang.

"Highway to hell, highway to h-" the phone rang until he answered.

Wow, Shay great ringtone!

"Hello." He answered as he picked up. I didn't know who it was and he did not leave the kitchen to talk, so that is progress.

"Ya um ...she's right her." He said into the phone before handing it to me.

"It's for you." he said as I reached out to take the phone.

I put it up to my ear and answered.

"Put it on speaker." He whispered and so I put it on speaker.

"Hello." I said into the phone and I recognized the voice.

"Hey my daughter in law, honey I just wanted to know how the pregnancy is coming along." She spoke into the phone. Shay started laughing next to me and I wanted to kill him. How long is this lie going to last?

"It's f-fine." I studded in the phone and I looked at Shay for help. I suck at lying.

"Help me." I whispered as I nudged his stomach with my elbow.

"Fine." he whispered back as he took the phone out of my hands.

"Mom..Mar is sick and not feeling well at the moment got to go." He said and then he hung up before his mom could say anything.

"Your insane." I said to him as he hung up.

"I know, but I am all yours babe." He said as he winked at me and I blushed. God, this side of him I just too much. You know that feeling when you feel like millions of butterflies are in your stomach. It was like 10 times worse. It feels like I have horses there right now.

Then there was a knock on the door and Shay went to get it. It is probably the food. He came back seconds later holding a huge tray in one hand and a red rose in his other hand. I walked over to him and took the tray from his hand, to put it on the counter. I love red roses.

He walked closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist without taking his eyes off me. Maybe he is getting to comfortable with me. Is he? Then he bent the rose in his other hand and placed it very gently above my ear, in my hair! The tension is thick at the moment. I will give you that. He leaned forward and I didn't stop him. He looked from my eye to my lips and then to my eyes again, while biting his bottom lip. He leaned even more to me and I was frozen. Was he scared or something? Do it, already.

"You look beautiful!" He whispered in my ear and then he dropped his arm from around me and walked away from me.

What now? Man up man! He seriously needs to grow some balls!

"Okay." I snapped at him as I sat down, clearly annoyed.

"You okay?" He asked as he grabbed the tray and walked to the table. He sat down next me and turned to look at me.

"Just peachy!" I replied sarcastically with an eye roll.

"Seriously." He scoffed and I nodded.

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