Chapter 24 part 1!

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Mariam's POV:

I can't believe him! We were making progress but then he jacked it all up. Ugh! Sow one shoot me in the head. I am always trying for us to become a normal married couple, but he won't stop thinking that we can't ever be together. We are just walking side by side next to the Eiffel Tower and I cant help myself but to look up at him. He is very handsome, but he is such a jerk at the same time. I am beginning to think that no matter what I do, we will never be normal.

After our argument in the car, he didn't even look at me. During the car ride, I could not help but think about what he said. I can't help but want to rip his eyes out. I make it so obvious that I am in love with him. "I don't think your ready" "I don't want to be in a relationship now" " I can't" I don't know what to do anymore?

Would you give up? Be honest!

I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt a hand in my shoulder. I turned around to face him and he just looked into my chocolate brown eyes. He is such a terd.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him, then I rolled my eyes.
"You were about to run into the wall."He said as he sighed.

I look in the front of me and he was right. I feel so embarrassed. God, I'm dumb. I wish the floor under me would just swallow me.

"Uh...thanks." I said as he removed his hand from my shoulder. I walked around the wall and I could hear his footsteps behind me. I walked and walked until I decided to rest.

I found a bench nearby a river and I took a seat on it. He was no where near me at the moment. I was very grateful for that. He has been acting so strange lately.

<<<<<<<< SHANE GEVONI POVS>>>>>>>>>>>

"What am I going to do?" I asked myself for the past ten minutes. Maryam is sitting on a bench In front of me and I don't want to disturb her right now. She is so pissed at me.

Maryam Is going to hate me and want to shoot me in the head. I didn't cheat on her. I promise I didn't, but I was about too. Chase wants to find me and If I don't give him Maryam, he is going to kill me and everyone else in the gang. I am not going to give him Maryam and he is going to try to get her no matter what.

The day that we were at our picnic and things got bad was the day he saw her. He saved her from being raped. After he saved her and stuff he began to teach her every move and he fell in love with her. He saw me and Maryam together and I told him that she was my wife, but he still didn't care.

What am I going to do? I don't what to freak Maryam out, but we need to hide her for a while. Maybe I can bribe him into leaving us alone. I am already starting to like her a lot and I don't want to lose her. I sound like a fucking 10 year old girl, don't I?

If Chase finds her, he will kidnap her and force her into so many things. I will not let that happen though. Chase can go fuck himself for all I care. At that same second, my phone rang.

I picked up and answered it. "Hello" I said into the phone and when I heard that bastard's voice I wanted to slam my phone into the fucking wall.

"Well, well, well isn't that a way to greet your best friend?" He snorted into the phone and I clenched my fists by my sides.

We were never really close, only he thought we were.

"You broke our friendship the moment you put your filthy eyes on my wife you bastard!" I yelled into the phones and he laughed before replying.

"Listen my dear friend, bring that sexy wife of yours and you will not be harmed." He snapped and I wished that he was in front of me now, I would have been the shit out of him. I'm about to rip his fucking brain out of his dumb skull of his.

"Look you little fucker, my wife is mine and you will NEVER EVER lay a finger on her!" I yelled into the phone before hanging up.

Who does this guy think he is? I ran my hand through my hair and huffed in frustration. My mind wondered off to when Maryam asked why I didn't kiss her. God, she drives me insane and I would have totally kissed her, but I want to give her time and space. I don't want her to feel forced into anything and I want her to feel comfortable.

When I was about to kiss her she hesitated and I could tell that if I did, she would have been very mad and angry at me. I never thought that I would like that chick, but I did. A smile formed at my lips as I remembered this morning. I sound like a freaking sappy romantic.

"Shay." A voice asked and I knew it was Mar.

"Yes." I said and I furrowed my brows. How long has she been standing there? Did she hear my conversation?

"I thought you left!" She said and I crossed my arms over my chest. I leaned against the tree and stared at her. Dang, she is gorgeous. Even when she doesn't try too.

"Does it look like I left?!" I exclaimed sarcastically and she crossed her arms over her chest as she shrieked at me. This girl sure is gaining confidence day by day!

"Well you didn't and I hope you weren't planning to ditch me." She said as she walked closer to me.

"I wasn't going to ditch you Mar!" I said and she nodded, before wrapping her arms around me.

This girl is making it hard for me to leave her alone.

I wrapped my arms around her and we just stayed like that for a little bit. She buried her head in my chest and I placed my head over hers. Even my heart races fast when I am around her.

"Maryam." I said and hummed and she looked up at me, with her arms still around me.

"Are you still made at me?" I asked her as I looked down at her.

"No." She said and smiled.

"Good, because no one can resist my sexy body." I said to her and she laughed, which caused me laugh as well.


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