Chapter 34 part 2.

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*If you don't like violence or language don't read the last couple of pages*

Shay's POV:

I can't believe that guy tried to play me. I'm not stupid, Chase. I called Ramzi and he answered immediately. I just had to make sure everyone was okay back home.

"Hello, Sir!" Ramzi answered and I rolled my eyes at his immature behavior.

"Hey, Listen How's everyone and do you guys have the place secured?" I asked him as I took a right turn onto Manhattan bridge.

"Well if your calling to ask about your wife, then she is fine!" He teased. I am so going to make fun of him when he gets married.

"Thanks for telling me, do you guys have the place secured?" I asked seriously and Ramzi coughed before answering me.

"Yes, we do and we have extra backup everywhere. Do you have everything you need?" He asked me and I hesitated.

"Yes Ramzi, now go away and watch over my Family!" I said and then I hung up, but I heard Ramzi say something before I hung up on him.

"Be careful, sir!" He exclaimed and I nodded even though he can't see me.

Ramzi is the only one that I really trust with Mariam , because he treats her like a sister and he cares about her. He is such a softie at heart and he has no clue what I'm going to do today. If Mar asked him, he would tell her everything. Greg and Ahmad are the Bulldogs of the group.

Their motto is "Go hard or go home!" My motto is "Don't mess with me unless you what me to kill your ass!"

I can't stand it when people want to butt heads with me, it's not an option.

I finally and made it to the abandoned wear house, when I heard my phone vibrate in my pocket. I answered the phone call and it was Greg.

"Mr. Gevoni, we have the place being monitored and if anything happens where here okay and you will enter alone right?" He asked after he informed me of everything.

"Yes I'm going in." I said and then I hung up in his face. I don't got time for games today.

I got out off the car quickly and closed the door gently behind me. I tucked my gun in my back pocket and the oversize jacket I was wearing was going to cover it pretty well. I spotted two guys guarding the door and they were pacing back and forth with a harsh look on their faces.

I saw greg and Ahmad holding their baseball bats behind them and I nodded at them, to show them it's showtime.

"Let's go, lads!" I whisper yelled as they walked in front of me. I put my hat on and I tugged it to cover my eyes a little bit.

They immediately took down the two guys in seconds with their bats. All I heard was the sound of bones breaking and snapping.

"Hey guys?" I said to my two backups.

"Try not to kill anyone, but make sure they get hurt so bad that they will wish their momma kept her legs closed!" I said with a laugh as I pushed the door open.

I heard Ahmad laugh as he soon followed after me and Greg stayed behind to guard the doors.

"Let's go, Ahmad!" I said as I went up the stairs. It was about midnight here and you could barely see in this place. Put was empty, so you could hear echoes. I was hearing Chase's voice and I clenched my fists at the sound of him.

"Yes, boss I'm so excited!" Ahmad said and when I glared at him, he shut up immediate and fixed his tie.

Yes, they are all in suits. I like to keep us organized and looking sharp at all times.

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