Chapter 7.

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Mariam's POV:
I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. Shay let me sleep next to him last night. That has got to mean something right. I got up and prayed to Allah that our relationship will work inshallah.

After I was done praying, I noticed that Shay was still asleep so I decided to make breakfast. I sneaked downstairs and I made croissants and coffee. It took me about an hour, but it tasted delicious. I hope he likes it.

I went back upstairs to see Shay buttoning up his shirt. I was glad he was up already because normally he wakes up late.

"Good morning!" I said as I took a seat on the bed and stared at him.

He just nodded and started to brush his hair. He looked fine, okay he looked hot. Just like the guys from Vampire Diaries. Don't tell me you have never watched Vampire Diares? You missing out sista!

I get pulled back to reality when I hear him whisper my name.

"Mariam?" He whispered and that brought me back to reality.
"Yes." I said and he looked away.

"Why were you not in our room this morning?" He asked almost shyly? Since when is he shy?

"I woke up early to pray and make breakfast." I replied and he nodded.

Did he want me to be next to him when he wakes up? Does he honestly want this to work? Is this just another game? All these questions were playing with my brain.

"Alright let's go eat!" I said and grabbed his hand to lead him to the kitchen.

He did not pull away, so I just kept walking and when we finally made it to the kitchen he sat down and I took a seat across from him.

"Did you make this?" He asked and I nodded while he started eating.
"What do you think?" I asked him as he chewed down a piece of the croissant.

"This is really good." he replied and I smiled at him.

I guess he is two faced. He can be sweet at times then a total butt at others.

When we were done eating , I cleaned up while he sat in the living room. I did not mean to push him around too much I mean this is just out first day communicating.

I will push him around later. Girls are so weird at times. I went to the living room and Shay was watching sports. Ugh. I hate sports.

I took a seat on the couch next to his. I tried to look interested in the channel, but it was so lame.

"Just kick the ball!" I yelled out in frustration.

"So...I am guessing you don't like sports?" I heard him ask and I nodded.

"It's so stupid I mean it's just guys who are chasing a ball." I said and he laughed.

This is going to sound cliché, but his laughter was just like music to my ears.

"It's much more than that." I heard him say and I shook my head.

"They are like Dogs running after a bone." I said and he smiled at me.

OMA! He smiled at me. My husband smiled at me. This has to be a record. His smile could bling everyone and everything. It is too cute to be true.

"Anyway..." he said and I looked up at him.

"What do you want to do today?" I heard ask me and my eyebrows furrowed by themselves.

Does he really want to go out with me?

"I don't know." I replied and he smirked at me. The most beautiful smirk ever.

"How about a picnic by a lake?" He asked and I nodded.

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