Chapter 4.

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-Shay's POV-

"Do you Shane Gevoni take Mariam Fares as your wife?" The imam asked me.

I hesitated at first but then my dad nodded and me so I said the words I was dreading.

"I do." I said as the Imam nodded.

"Do you Mariam Fares take Shane Gevoni as your husband?" He asked Maraiam and she nodded.

"I do." She said and the Imam nodded at her.

Any blind person can tell we both don't want this. He made us sign on the damn papers and then he gave us a small red book for our future family, that we are never going to have.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. GEVONI." He said as he shook hands with me.

Wow..that just sounds wrong.

The Imam left and so did a bunch of relatives and friends. It was only me and my parents and my wifey and her dad.

"Dance with your wife." My dad whispered in my ears and so I nodded.

"Care to dance?" I asked her as I extended my hand for her. She hesitated at first, but I grabbed her hand anyway.

We made our way to the dance floor and the damn music person played a slow song.

"This is for our newlyweds!" The DJ yelled and I laughed inside.

I know I don't like this and I don't want this, but we have to act like newlyweds.

I placed my arms over her waist and she brought her hands on my chest. I feel like she is too shy. The song kept playing as we swayed and I looked around to see my friend Gage looking at me. He winked at me and I flipped him off.

"You know you can look at me now." I whispered in her ear as she nodded.

She looked at me properly and I saw tears in her eyes. She honestly is beautiful and today she looks stunning, but I won't admit that to her.

The song came to a stop as we parted. She looked at me and smiled, a really pretty smile if you ask me. I nodded back and I have to remind myself that this was all an act.

2 hours later and after a lot of dancing we were ready to leave. My parents a hugged me and they hugged Mariam. She went up to her dad and hugged him and he just patted her shoulder. He did not even hug her back. He is such a bad father.

I got in the car and I did not even bother to open the door for her. She got in and closed the door. She was struggling to fit her dress in the car, but honestly I did not care enough to help her.

I blasted the music on full blast as usual. I looked over to see Mariam looking through the window. It really perks me why she does not tell me about herself.

We were at my house in about 10 minutes. I got out and Mariam got out by herself. I walked up to the door and I opened it. I walked straight up to my room and I did not even look at her again.

-Mariam's POV-

The ceremony went by really quickly and I had fun to be honest. The most fun I have had in years. I actually thought that we could make this marriage work, but as soon as we left the hall he acted cold.

He left me standing by the door and he went upstairs. I just want to cry. Why is my life just terrible? Maybe this is a test from Allah and I need to pass it.
I got my bag from the car and I entered the house. I sat down in the living room and I looked around.

This house is huge and why does he live here by himself? I opened the door to the right and it was a bathroom. I hurried back and I grabbed a shirt with some shorts and I went to get changed. I changed quickly and I wrapped my scarf around my head loosely. He still has not came back from upstairs. He hates me so much right? No girl wants a stuck up self conceited jerk like my husband. Should I go check up on him?

He did not even bother to check up on me, so why should I. I wish I knew where my sister was. Yes, I have a sister and she is 3 years older than me. She disappeared about 2 years ago and there are rumors about her being kidnapped. I just feel alone and lonely. My own dad did not even care about me at the wedding he did not even look at me. He did not dance with me either. I really just done.

Before I knew it I was upstairs and I was standing I front of his room. All I have to do is knock! Come on Mariam you can do this! He can't treat you like your some ghost, your his wife. I knocked on the door and I did not get any response which made me mad.
I barged straight into his room and he was sound asleep on his bed. He was still wearing his tuxedo and he was looking his very best. I never thought he would be so handsome.

I look over to his nightstand and there were bottles of empty alcoholic drinks. There were bottles of vodka and tequila all over the floor. I brought my hand to his fave and I moved his hair out of his eyes. He shifted in his bed a little bit, but he did not move away. I took of his shoes for him and I found a blanket, so I put it on him. I could not resist him, so I kissed his forehead. Before I could move away, he grabbed my wrists. Our faces were so close, inches apart to be exact. He whispered something, but I did not hear him and his breath smelt like alcohol.

What kind of Muslim is he? Drinking is haram. I think he is drunk anyway.
"Let me go." I said to him and he totally ignored me before tightening his grip on my wrist.
"You looked really pretty tonight." he said and I had to keep reminding myself that he is drunk and he does not mean anything he is saying at the moment.
"Your drunk." I whispered and he ignored me again before grabbing my other wrist.
"Sleep with me." he said and I gasped. Then he just started laughing like a maniac.
"That sounded so wrong.." he said in between laughs.
Yup he is totally drunk and wasted I thought to myself.

"Are you insane?" I asked him and he nodded.
"Here just sleep next to me." he said as he moved and made room for me.
"But in the contact it clearly states don't sleep in the same room." I replied and he rolled his eyes.
"I never knew you could talk." he said before pulling me next to him.
"Leave me alone." I said to him and he shook his head.

I finally just stopped fighting with him as he put his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. I know that he is going to be pissed at me when he is sober. I really want to ask him many questions, but I don't think I should now.

"Good night." I whispered to him.
"Night babe." he replied and I drifted to sleep with a smile on my face. Maybe I could pass this test.

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