"How nice of you to join us," McGonagall said as she walked towards me. I had my head down and I walked to my place next to Ly.
"Girl, what happened? You look terrible!" She asked right away.
I ignored her. They didn't even bother looking for me so I didn't have to bother answering.
When I looked around I saw everyone looking at me. Including Draco.
I narrowed my eyes at him and to that he just smirked proudly! Ugh!!
"Take out your book Y/n," McGonagall said. Oh, shit the books!! I completely forgot! "I think I left it to the common room," I replied.
"Look at Lynnet's book then, but I expect you to have it tomorrow and be here the right time," she said.
"Yes professor," I said quietly. I heard people quietly laughing from behind me, but I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't want to get in any more trouble.
When the class was over McGonagall wanted to talk to me.
"Yes?" I said as I stepped to her table. "Is there a reason you're so late?" She asked giving me a weird look.
"I slept in. I'm sorry," I said and I think she was okay with it. "Very well, you're free," she said waving her hand to the door.
"Bye," I said shortly and made my way out of the classroom. "What did she want?" Hayes asked as I walked out of the door and saw them waiting for me.
"Doesn't matter. Leave me alone!" I raised my voice a bit. "Why?" Blaise seemed concerned. "I don't wanna see you!" I said and walked past them, leaving them with stupid faces just standing there.
I headed to the common room to get my books and change since I had a bit of time between the classes. Next was potions by the way. So...
I got down to the dungeons and got to the entrance to the common room. "You look especially busted today," I heard someone laughing from behind me.
"Well, you have a bad attitude as always. Some things never change," I said without turning around to see who it was.
I quickly said the password and sprinted towards my dorm. I didn't have a lot of time so I had to be quick.
I quickly grabbed a hairbrush to comb my hair and new clothes. I quickly got dressed, when the door to my dorm opened.
I froze and looked at the door. I was ready for the worst. "Do I have to lock the door?" I asked as I saw Pansy walk into the room.
"Well, maybe you shouldn't. You can't get out after," she laughed. Wait what? Did she know? Did Draco tell her? Did anyone else know?
"Leave me alone," I said annoyed. "It's my dorm too," she chuckled.
I tried my best to ignore her and just quickly get ready. Luckily she left soon after she realized I was ignoring her.
I put on my robe, grabbed my books, and got out of the dorm.
"Seems like someone taught you a lesson," I heard someone laughing as I walked into the common room.

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...