Until the end of the class I kept seeing Harry, Ron and Hermione looking at us. And not just looking, more like judging.
"Why are they looking at us?" I turned to people at my table. "Once again, you, they're looking at you. Well you and Draco," Blaise joked.
"It's bothering me," I layed my head on my hands. "Quit staring Potter," Draco spat turning around to face them. "No stop Draco," I tried to turn him around when I heard him.
"You Potter should have bigger things to worry about. And you Weaslebee you should be looking at your mudblood there instead," Draco spat.
"Draco!!" I yelled him to stop. I didn't expect him to say that. Seeing Hermione's mood drop hurt. I didn't really know her, but I felt really bad. Why did Draco think he has the right to say it!
"You're pathetic Malfoy," Harry stood up from the table and so did Ron. That remark made Draco furious and he stood up as well.
Everyone's attention was on them and even Snape didn't step between, he was just watching from in front of the class.
I got up too. "Sit your ass down Draco," I pushed him to sit back down on his chair. Luckily he did.
"Come here," Draco pulled me down with him to sit on his lap. "Stop it," I pulled away.
"What is going on here?" Snape finally stepped between. "You literally watched from the front of the class," I said quietly and sat down on my chair.
"Family drama!" Someone said loudly. I right away looked at Snape he did the same. He looked confused as well. I quickly shook my head a little, giving him a sign that no one knew.
"Class dismissed," Snape ended the class early. Everyone got up and started flowing out of the door as fast as possible to hang out outside.
"Let's go," Draco put his hand on my back again and pulled me towards the door. "Get off of me!" I said and pulled away from him. I walked out of the classroom before my friends.
I couldn't believe Draco. He can be so rude and I hate it. Even if they are not my friends, he can't just hurt people like that.
"Hermione!" I said when I saw Hermione, Ron and Harry walking a little in front of me. "Yes?" They all looked around and I quickly made my way over to them.
"I'm so sorry for that," I apologized on Draco's behalf. "Thank you," She said genuinly, I think she saw that I was actually sorry. "Why are you friends with him Y/n?" Harry asked.
"I- I uh, he just has a bad day," I tried to still defend him, although I didn't think I should've. "Does he ever even has good days?" Ron asked.
"Yes!" I tried to convince them. Although now that I think about it, have I ever seen Draco having an actual good day? Not like partly good but like actually fully good day?
"Why'd you go so fast?" I felt a hand on my hip. I saw Ron take a step back and without seeing I knew it was Draco.
"Can you please leave right now?" I asked him. "No we're going to class together," was his response.
"Let's go Draco," Luckily Blaise was there to slightly pull him away with him and others. 'Thank you' I mouthed to Blaise and he smiled.
"Malfoy's crazy," Ron said. I couldn't even argue with that, so I gave him a nod. "Y/n, maybe want to hang out with us? We have quite a lot of time before the next class," Harry said.
"I don't know Harry, I don't think I should," I said quietly. "Why not?"
"I think you're the only one who wants it," I continued quietly. Harry right away turned to others.

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...