"I don't even understand how did a fucking mudblood get sorted into Slytherin," Pansy said to a girl next to her while looking straight into my eyes.
"Don't listen to them," Ly said trying to make me feel better. So I just rolled my eyes at her and kept talking to Ly and others instead.
"I think she's an embarrasment to the whole Slytherin house, isn't it right, Draco?" Pansy said even louder making sure I heard that. She looked at Draco looking for his approval. Sadly she kind of got it. Draco nodded at her with no emotions on his face whatsoever.
Right when I was starting to think that he could be a normal person, he shows me the complete opposite.
"I feel bad for all her friends who have to put up with her. There must me something in it for them," the girl over the table from Pansy involved herself into the conversation. Pansy and a lot of other Slytherins started laughing and nodding in agreement.
"Oh one-hundred percent!" Pansy said loudly. This made me so mad. I had never done anything to her or other Slytherins! Well not at least first.
"I'm gonna go to my room," I said and wanted to get up from the table. "You're giving them exactly what they want," Hayes stopped me, pulling me back down by my arm. He was right. I wasn't gonna leave, but I also wasn't just gonna sit there and hear all of this.
"Do you have a problem Parkinson?" I said over others looking at her.
"Oh I have many," she chuckled. "I think we can all tell," I laughed and even others did. Wow they really switch up quickly.
"So what's your problem with me?" I asked leaning on the table and to my left, to see her better.
"Oh you wanna know? I think you shouldn't be sitting with Slytherins. You should go back to Beauxbatons!" She yelled as she got angrier.
"Maybe. Let's be real, you wouldn't last a minute in there," I said calmly, making Blaise spit out his juice with laughter. It gave me a bit of satisfaction that Pansy was getting so heated.
"You think you're all of that? Reality check, you're fucking not!!" She yelled pretty loudly, making everyone, even on other tables, turn their heads at us.
Including teachers. My work here was done.
I didn't say a word after that as I saw Snape walking towards our table. I wasn't dumb. I had played my cards right.
"Miss Parkinson, for that language, ten points will be taken from Slytherin." Snape's firm voice took over the hall.
"I didn't even do anything!" She talked back to him, but Snape's firm look instantly shut her up.
Before leaving, Snape looked at me questionably. I guess he had seen that I was the one to make Pansy that mad, but luckily he didn't take away any more points. And also Pansy started it!
"Nice job," Blaise said wiping the table dry from all the juice he had spilled while laughing.
"It's not over Y/ln," Pansy said narrowing her eyes at me. But she right away noticed Snape looking at him from the teachers table, so she turned back to her friends. Or more like minions.
"Lucky me," I said unbothered.
For the rest of the Lunch I couldn't hear anything that Pansy said. But also Draco was oddly quiet today. Mostly you can hear him joking with his friends, but today I guess he wasn't in a mood. Honestly, I could not care less. He's terrible anyway.
"Our next class is divination right?" Hayes asked Blaise. "I think so yeah," he said.
"Are you waiting for me?" I noticed them staring at me with empty plates in front of them.
"Mhm," they all nodded. "Oh, in that case I'm done," I said putting down the fork and getting up from the table. We then made our way to our divination classroom.
As we got to the divination classroom everyone was already there, although we weren't the last ones to leave the great hall. We took our seats at one of the tables.
"Hey Y/n!" I was right away greeted by Cedric, who had taken a seat right behind me.
"Hey Cedric! What you been up to?" I had seen him so rarely lately.
"I've been playing a lot of Quidditch. Caught a lot of Snitches," he winked at me. "Oh I believe that," I laughed.
"You wanna do something tomorrow?" He asked. "Oh definitely!" I was in right away.
We agreed to meet up after school and do something fun.
The divination lesson went by quickly and soon all the lessons for today were over and we all walked back to our common rooms.
As I was sitting on one of the sofas in the common room, everyone came into the room and started chatting about today's happenings.
Soon someone also had to mention me and Pansy, to which she started talking again.
"I know that most of the people in this room agree with me one-hundred percent, when I say that Y/n is an embarrassmemt to the Slytherin house," she looked around looking for people that would agree with her.
Luckily most of the Slytherins didn't seem to care about it a lot. Or at least they didn't say anything. But some did nod or start laughing about it.
"Do you agree with me Draco?" Pansy leaned closer to Draco over the table.
"Mh?" Draco hadn't paid attention to the conversation. "I asked if you agree that Y/n is an embarrasment?" Pansy repeated herself giving him the puppy eyes.
Draco didn't say anything in response, which made Pansy to continue talking.
"I mean, even her boyfriend is ignoring her," she laughed. "He probably has a new girlfriend anyway. Who would want a girl like you. Reality check, you're ugly," she went all out. What's with the reality checks? You need some.
"Okay?" I tried to sound unbothered. The problem was, that she could've been right. Rickon was ignoring me.
Before leaving Beauxbatons I really thought that long distance could work out for us, but now I wasn't that sure. He could possibly have a new girlfriend, and I wouldn't know anything about it. Or maybe he just doesn't like me anymore, now that I'm gone.
I didn't really have other friends except Hayes, so there wasn't anyone who I could've asked either. I wasn't gonna write to that cheater Zoe. Or could I? Would that be too far?
My thoughts were interrupted by Hayes' loud yawn right next to me. It was already pretty late, so we decided to all go to bed.
Before falling asleep, I asked for Ly's opinion on the whole Rickon situation, and she thought that I should keep writing him, or somehow try to get in contact with him. But if he didn't want to talk to me, then what would that change?

Protective [D.M]
أدب الهواة"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...