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"He does!" I accidentally said aloud. "He does? That's something new. So what does he do?" Fred was curious.

"Well, uh..."

"He has helped me with my homework a couple of times," was the first thing I could think of. "Is Malfoy smart?" Ron was a little surprised.

"He actually is yes," I said. "Well, in that case I guess he can be somewhat tolerable to Slytherins," Ginny joined the conversation. Does she know Draco too? Who am I kidding, everyone knows who he is.

"Could we talk about something else? Percy, tell me more about being a prefect," I turned to Percy. Guess I'll feed his ego a little.

Everyone over the table demonstratively rolled their eyes and sighed. It was hilarious. But Percy's stories were actually not too bad, I mean at least for me. I guess if you have to listen to them more than once then maybe.

"Let's go," Ron whispered to Harry and they got up from the table. They went up to their room. I was left at the table with others. Percy had finally stopped, so we got to talk about other things too.

Mr Weasley works for the Ministry and it was cool to hear about his job. It seemed very interesting. Since I knew all about muggles, I was sort of like a book for him. Whatever he asked I answered.

To be honest even others seemed to be quite interested in what I was saying. They even asked questions themself. "So you have  vacuum cleaners to clean the floor?" Mr Weasley was surprised.

"Yes, well there are smaller ones too that you can use for other things than the floor, but mostly yeah. You can even clean the inside of your car with it," I said. I was surprised Harry hadn't told them about these things yet.

Everyone was pretty surprised by the things I said muggles have. It felt cool that they were all closely listening and actually interested in what I had to say. And I felt good that I knew so much about the subject.

After a while of talking and eating we were done. Mrs Weasley used the spell to clean the dishes and soon everything was tidied up.

We all moved to the living room to talk more. We had a lot to talk about. I got a lot of questions about Beauxbatons too, since that was new for everyone.

After talking a lot and eating dinner it was nighttime and everyone was getting ready to go to bed. I was brushing my teeth when the door opened.

"Oh, sorry," it was Fred. He quickly closed the door like I was naked or something. "What do you want?" I asked standing in front of the sink.

"I was gonna take a shower," he said from the other side of the door. "Well go take a shower," I laughed a little. He opened the door and walked in.

"I'm done anyway," I spat out the water, dried off and walked past him out of the bathroom closing the door behind me.

"Oh sorry," someone walked into me. "No worries," I looked up and saw that it was Percy again. "We should probably keep our eyes up from the ground," I said jokingly and he agreed.

I then went back to Ginny's room. She was already in bed, so I turned off the light and went to bed too. I haven't slept that well for so long. It felt like home. I think this is what home feeling means.

I guess when they said make yourself feel like home, they really meant it, because I really did. I really did. I felt very welcomed here.

Everyone was being so nice and twins were hilarious. Also I didn't have to bare all the dirty looks I was getting daily at Hogwarts. Everywhere I walked, boom looks. But here, there are still looks, but like nice ones. Like 'come sit here' kind of looks. I loved it. It was gonna be a great two weeks.

In the morning a little bit of sunlight peeked into the room from between the blinds. It was a nice way to wake up. In Slytherin common room there is always dark. Don't get me wrong, I love that, it's just that it's so fricking nice. I think I even heard a bird behind the window.

I opened my eyes and sat up on the bed. To my surprise Ginny was not in her bed. I quickly got up and went out of the door. I started hearing voices from downstairs so I went down the sairs.

To my surprise I saw mr and mrs Weasley and Ginny looking back at me from the table. They were already eating breakfast. Why so early? "Good morning!" I took a couple of last steps on the stairs.

"Good morning Y/n. You're up early," Ginny said. "Why are you up so early?" I asked with a yawn. "We're going to pick up Charlie and Bill from the trainstation," mrs Weasley said.

"Oh cool," I said. There were more Weasleys? This is so cool. I always wanted a lot of siblings and I never had any. "Well, we didn't think you'll wake up so early, so I didn't make anything for you. Can you manage?" Mrs Weasley asked as they all stood up from the table and headed towards the door.

"I have only once caused a fire, so I think I'll be fine," I said jokingly. "A fire?" Ginny laughed. "A real fire?" Mr Weasley asked. "Uh, no I was kidding," I said awkwardly knowing damn well that this was the reason I got expelled.

"Well if you have any trouble you can wake up others. They should start waking up earlier anyway, they are sleeping through their days," Mr Weasley said.

I then sent them outside and waved at them as they took off with the car. I then went back inside and decided to make breakfast. What should I make? What do they have?
I opened the fridge, and there were eggs. Fried eggs and some tomatos. Omelette? Okay.

I put the eggs on the table and looked for the bowl I could mix it in. Where are the bowls? Where are they? I looked through everywhere I thought they could possibly be.

I guess I'll have to wake someone up and ask.

"Percy?" I opened his door and saw him peacefully sleeping. "Prefect Percy?" I said jokingly getting closer to his bed. He turned around, but didn't open his eyes. "Where are the bowls?" I asked.

"Where are what?" He mumbled a little without opening his eyes. "The bowls," I repeated. He then realized that it wasn't one of his siblings. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. "Bottom shelf of the drawer for little ones and big ones are on top of the fridge," he said.

"Thank you," I said and started leaving. "What do you need a bowl for?" He asked before I could walk out. "I'm making an omelette. You want too?" I turned around. "I'd take some, sure," he said.

I then left and closed his door. I went straight to the the fridge and looked on top of it. There really were bowls. But I couldn't reach them. I was only inches away!

I then placed a chair right in front of the fridge and stood up on it. I got the bowl and got to chopping up tomatoes. The cutting board luckily wasn't anywhere I couldn't find it so I got that myself.

As I was chopping up the tomatoes I heard some voices upstairs. Probably someone decided to wake up too.

"You need help?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and it was Fred. "You can break the eggs if you want to help," I responded. "Okay,"

"Do I cut more tomatoes? Do you want an omelette too?" I asked. "Yeah," he said. I then took another tomato and started cutting that into little pieces. Fred came right next to me and started breaking the eggs and whisking them in the bowl.

"You know what? We should make pancakes," he said. What the heck! "What do I with the tomatoes then?" I pointed at the cut up potato pieces in the little bowl.

"What tomatoes?" He said shoving all the pieces into his mouth like it was nothing. "I-" I was shocked. He then smiled and one of the pieces fell out of his mouth. I started laughing and so did he.

"I guess we'll have to make pancakes then," I said putting the cutting board into the sink. "I mean, if you insist," Fred joked and brought the flower and sugar.


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