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"What did Snape want?" Ly asked as soon as I stepped my leg into the common room. "Oh nothing really," I replied.

"Well he must've said somehing," she didn't seem satisfied with the answer I gave her. "I said, nothing!"

"Could I talk to you Y/n?" Hayes stood up from the sofa where they all were sitting. "About what?" I was already scared.

"Come," he walked past me towards the dorms. He pushed the door open to my dorm and we walked in. Luckily no one was in there. He closed the door after I had walked in.

"So?" I turned to look at him. "Y/n, what is going on?" He began. "We're doing that again?" I said although I knew excactly what he was probably gonna talk about.

"When you said your grandma's cat died, I wrote to your parents to see if it was true. Turns out Fluir is happily alive. You're parents we're very confused why I even asked that," he began.

"Oh and they even sent me a picture of him!" He pulled out a folded letter with a picture from his robe pocket. "So what, you're just carrying it around waiting to throw the bomb!?" I yelled at him.

"No, I don't want anything bad to you Y/n, I just want to know why you're lying to me. I'm worried about you," he looked really worried.

"You don't have to be worried Hayes, and you should trust me!" I got a little angry. He should trust me to make my decisions and if I needed to make up a white lie then it must've been important.

"Trust you? You literally just lied to me about your cat dying!" He yelled and pointing his hand at me.

"Well maybe there is a reason for that, you should be on my side!" I yelled in return.

"I am on your side, that's why I'm asking you. What's wrong Y/n? Tell me," He repeated himself.

"Yes, so you could go write about it to my parents too!?" I kept yelling. "Keep your nose out of my business if I haven't asked for it there!"

"No," he said shortly. What does he mean no? "I see something is wrong and I care about you too much Y/n to just leave it at that," he explained.

"There is nothing wrong, alright? Could you leave now, I have homework," I turned away from him.

"I'm here if you want to talk Y/n," he sighed and left. Finally he left. I really didn't want to talk to him anymore. But it was also not good that Hayes now knew about Fluir. I don't know if he would tell anyone or not.

I fell into my bed crying. I knew that Hayes was worried about me,  but I couldn't let anyone find anything out. I already seemed suspicious enough.

But was that what I had to do? Push everyone away, just so I wouldn't tell them anything? Just so they wouldn't find out?

I didn't want to live like this. Maybe I could somehow still keep up my lie. My only hope would be that Hayes won't tell anyone. I knew I could trust him, but he might tell someone out of worry.

Why does it have to be so hard? I thought so myself while fidgeting the necklace in my hands. I couldn't get over the beauty of it.

I pushed myself up from the bed and walked in front of the mirror. I put the neckalce on and it looked even better on me. It was perfect. It made me feel close to the person I had never met or known.

I was thinking about doing homework, but looking at the pile of books, I didn't feel like it at all. I would have to do it eventually, but maybe a little later.

I decided to go on a little walk. I wanted to get outside anyway.

I walked to the common room where Blaise, Hayes and Ly were still all sitting. "Are you going on a walk again?" Ly asked when she saw me leaving.

"Yeah," I responded. "Wait, can I come with you?" She got up from the sofa. "Okay,"

I hadn't talked to only Ly in a while. Maybe that was what I needed. A little girl talk.

"Let's go!" Ly walked up to me and we left the common room.

"Are we going to the woods?" She asked excitedly. "I don't know yet," I was gonna figure it out later.

We walked up from the dungeons to get to the staircase and from there past the great hall. "Hey Cedric!" I yelled when I saw him talking to someone in the hallway.

"Oh hey Y/n!" He turned around revealing who he was talking to. Malfoy. Why was he talking to him?

As soon as Malfoy saw me he left, pumping Cedric's shoulder harshly. "What did he want?" I stepped closer to Ced.

"Nothing special. Where are you guys going?" He asked looking at us. "Outside, on a walk,"

"Glad you have socks on this time," he joked. Remembering the last time made me laugh. "Yup,"

"You wanna come?" I asked. "If Lynnet doesn't mind me joining," he looked at her. "No you can come," she agreed as well.

Maybe it wasn't a right time for a girl time.

The three of us went outside and walked towards the lake. It was pretty cold once we got to the lake.

"Guys, I think I'm gonna go back, I'm freezing," Ly stopped out of nowhere. "Are you sure you're going alone?" I turned to her.

"Yeah, you guys can keep walking, I'm just not dressed warm enough," she said. "If that's really okay?" I didn't want her to feel alone.

"Yeah it's fine. See ya guys!" She waved. "See ya," I said in response. That happened quickly.

"Well, I'm not cold yet, so we should keep going right?" I turned to Cedric. "Yeah," he agreed and we walked all the way to the other side of the lake.

The distance was a lot longer than I inticipated, but I really enjoyed it. Cedric was funny and he had a lot of good jokes too actually.

"It's getting kind of dark, should we start going back?" I said when I looked around. "I think it would be best if we did yeah," he said.

We started walking back and soon were in the middle of the woods. Luckily it wasn't the forbidden forest. I wouldn't want that thing running up to me once again.

Now I was getting cold. I hid my hands into the pockets and tried to press my hands to my sides as hard as I could.

"Are you cold Y/n?" Cedric stopped. "A little, but we're almost there so it's fine," I smiled.

"No, take my jacket, I'm not cold," he started taking his jacket off. "Are you sure?" I really didn't want him to be cold either.

"Yeah, here," he handed me the jacket which I quickly put on. It was very warm and it was fuzzy from the inside, which made it even warmer.

"Better?" He asked putting his hand around my shoulder. "Uh, yeah, I'm a lot warmer now," I said.

He kept walking with his hand around my shoulders. It was a very warm feeling. It was very nice of him.

Soon the lights from the castle started shining through the trees and before you knew we were standing in the courtyard going inside.

"That was fun," he said as we walked into the school and were gonna go seperate directions. "I'm glad I didn't stay away from you," he said when we were about to leave each other.


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