"To talk," I said shortly and got back to eating. "Well I'm gonna need more than that," he said a little firmer.
"Well then I'm gonna need more too. What did Estrid want?" I raised my right eyebrow.
"She just wanted t-to talk," he said. He was acting suspicious. "So did Aiden," I smiled and took a sip of juice. Draco's fingers instantly curled into fists and he was glenching his jaw.
"Let's get to class," Ly quickly said noticing it. Thank god that we had potions. I have started to like it again. Since Snape was being pretty okay right now.
"Are you coming with us or with Estrid?" Ly asked Draco. I guess she didn't like it either. Thank you! To that Draco didn't say a word but continued walking next to us to our next class.
Sadly enough we sat down next to the table with Estrid, Pansy and Merroy once again. Ughh! Kill me now!
"I better not be seeing Draco looking at her," Ly whispered to me. "Thanks Ly," I smiled. Ly then narrowed her eyes at Draco.
"What?!" Draco asked her upset. "What?" She asked back. "Why are you staring?" He asked even more upset.
"You got something on your face, I thought you are old enough to eat properly," Ly laughed a little. Draco really did have something on his face. He quickly wiped it off and narrowed his eyes at Ly.
"Come here Y/n," he then tried to pull me closer to him.
"I want to know what she talked about," I said quietly in hopes that Estrid would not hear from the other table.
"She asked where is one of the Slytherin guys. She just made it seem like it was something super important," he explained calmly. I might regret that but it actually seemed genuine. And it made sense.
"Okay fine," I said.
"What did Aiden want?" He then asked.
"Uh. You know, he wants to do something to the girl he likes, but I said that she has a boyfriend," I explained knowing that he will understand that I can't say the name. "Oh okay," he was okay with that answer.
"Well come here," he demonstratively pulled me closer. Ly rolled her eyes a little but when I gave her a thumbs-up she was okay with that. She is really the best!
When Snape came to our table to see how our reading was going he looked at me weird again. I would be confused too if I was him but I gave him an assuring look and a nod.
"Draco, fuck, marry, kill, me, Pansy and Merroy?" Estrid turned to Draco. Draco ignored her and didn't say anything in response. Only rolled his eyes while shaking his head.
"Do we need all three options? I could manage with one," Ly turned to them with a fake wide smile.
"Well that is your opinion. What do you think Hayes?" Estrid looked straight past her.
Hayes looked a little surprised that the attention got turned to him again and he didn't say anything. Ly's face got more and more furious as she noticed Estrid ignoring her existence again.
"I bet Hay agrees with his girlfriend," I sent Estrid an intense look.
"Doesn't seem like it," Estrid grinned and gave me a side eye.
He then turned her eyes back to Hayes and smiled widely, probably hoping to get a pleasant answer. Ly's fingers were curling up in fists gripping the edge of the potions book.
"So, what do you think Hayes? Do you agree with," Estrid motioned towards Ly who narrowed her eyes at her.
Everyone turned their heads at Hayes, including people from the other tables who I guess were also listening into the conversation. In Hogwarts someone's business is everyone's business. It's a little annoying actually. I know it could be interesting if someone knows what is going on in your life, but when it's constant, not so great.

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...