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"Draco?" I began practically whispering. "Yeah?" He mocked my whispering.

"Is something wrong? You seem so tired or like apathetic all the time. What is it?" I asked a little louder. The silencing spell was on the door anyway.

"Nothing's wrong Y/n, I just have problem sleeping sometimes. It happens," he shrugged in response.

"Well how long does it last?" I asked. "Well I don't know, but normally a while," he smiled and grabbed me pulling me closer to him.

"Draco, when are we gonna ask Dumbledore about my mom?" I asked quietly hiding my face into his white shirt.

"Dumbledore? Uh, soon," he squeezed me tightly. I did the same and we just stood there. For a while. Slightly swinging from side to side.

His hands felt like the safest place you could possibly think of. Tightly wrapped around me with his head resting on mine. "I missed you so much," he said quietly.

"I missed you too Draco. And thank you for the ring. Look!" I showed him that I was wearing the ring he got me.

"It looks almost as perfect as you," he gently took my hand into his and looked me deeply in the eyes. A slight smile curling up on his lips.

But all of a sudden it changed.

Into not so loving look. "I should get to homework now," he said letting go of my hand. "What a coincidence, me too!" I joked.

"Well then you better get going to do it," he smiled and lightly pulled me towards the door. "Oh well, bye then," I got on my tippietoes and gave him a little kiss.

"I hope you sleep better today," I said closing the door behind me. That was a little odd, but I had to get to my homework to-

"What's going on?" I was instantly greeted by Pansy standing right in front of me. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Is he okay?" She asked ME. That is something new. Normally she would just storm into the room, but I guess not today.

"Yeah, he just has to study," I said shortly walking past her. "You're not studying together?" She asked. I could feel the smirk on her face without even looking at it.

"Yeah," I said without turning around. "Well too bad," she shrugged and followed me towards our dorm.

"Are you gonna study here?" I asked as she came into the dorm too. "Nope," she said sitting down on her bed.

"Okay?" I stepped closer to the end of my bed to grab my bag. "So, what do you think about Estrid?" She asked.

"Estrid? No comment," I said slightly laughing. "Well she doesn't think that you should be in Slytherin either," she said surprisingly calmly.

"What do you want me to do about it? Talk to the sorting hat?" I said turning to her.

"She also thinks that only pure-bloods should be in Slytherin. But what are you now? A half-blood at best?" She chuckled.

"Well you can tell Estrid that I have quite a few opinions about her too," I said calmly opening the door to leave.

"Can you not talk for yourself?" She asked with a laugh. "I can, but seems like Estrid can't," I looked her in the eyes and then closed the door behind myself.

I walked back to the common room where everyone else was chilling. The room was a lot more crowded than I had left it, but I couldn't do anything about it so I just sat down on one of the chairs, since the sofas were already full.

I didn't really understand why Draco had to tutor someone. I mean he is good at potions and everything, but I'm better. Probably also nicer. And who? Someone younger?

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