A week had passed and I hadn't gotten a clear answer on why Draco had left. No one really seemed to know. I've even heard Estrid and others wonder about it. Guess he would at least tell his girlfriend, right?
I was sitting in the great hall, wondering what could that have possibly been about. I had been over any logical explanation a thousand times and it was just not making any sense.
Of course thinking so much about him was not helping the whole getting over process, but I wasn't also exactly mad that he wasn't here.
Today's plan was to watch Gryffindor's quidditch practise and then keep myself busy with homework. It was supposed to help me get my mind off of things.
"Alright, let's go to the common room now," Ly said getting up from the table as soon as she noticed that everyone was done eating.
"Oh, I'm gonna go watch the practise actually," I said. I knew that they would probably not want to watch it since it was Gryffindor's, so I was already used to the thought of going alone.
"No!" Ly said a little loudly.
"What?" I looked up at her confused.
"I mean, we probably wouldn't want to go watch Gryffindor's practise, but you should ask Theo. Maybe he'll want," Ly said quickly, looking down at me from beside the table.
"Theo, watching Gryffindor's practise? You're kidding right?" I was even more confused. I knew for a fact that Theo would not want to see that. He hasn't been to any practises to be fair. Not even the Slytherin ones.
"He might," Ly raised her eyebrows, she knew that she didn't believe in it herself.
"Yeah I agree with Ly. Maybe he'll want to go. You should go ask him," Hayes got up from the table and stood up next to Ly.
"He's probably in his room, there's so trouble in asking right?" Blaise stood up too.
"You sure? He hasn't even gone to our practise. Why would he wanna see a Gryffindor one?" Pansy was the only one still sitting with me.
Ly was standing next to her and elbowed her a little bit.
"Maybe he'll like to watch what we have to compete against when there is an actual game. He's seen the games," Blaise said to get the attention off Pansy.
"And since you're asking, he probably would go," Ly smiled playfully.
"That, I believe," Pansy put his finger up and pointed at Ly without looking at her.
"Fine I'm gonna ask, chill," I laughed a little and stood up from the table. Pansy did too.
Well that was a little weird.
We all walked towards the exit. I was walking in front and others followed me. I tried to hear if they would whisper something, but they were completely quiet.
"Wait, which one exactly is his room," I asked when we got to the common room.
"You don't know?" All of them turned to me surprised.
"Why should I know which one his room is?" I looked at them just as surprised.
"We thought you have been to his room," Blaise said and others nodded.
"Well I haven't, so will you be so kind and tell me which one it is," I said.
"Fourth on the left," Hayes said pointing towards the stairs, down into dorms.
"Thank you," I said with a bit of sass and walked down the stairs.
Fourth on the left, fourth on the left. That must be it. I got to a regular looking dorm door. Weird that I always walk past it and never knew that's Theo's room.

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...