Seeing that Estrid wasn't gonna respond anything, Snape began. "Good you're back at Hogwarts." Estrid's face was still filled with confusion.
"Let's go inside now, you'll get cold out here," Snape said and putting his arm around me and lightly pushing me to walk. "Everyone inside," he demanded when others weren't moving, and stayed a few feet behind.
We walked towards the castle in complete silence. Snape even walked us to the common room door to make sure we won't stay out that late.
"Um are they not gonna get points taken from them?" Estrid managed on a mean face and asked right as we were gonna say the password.
"Are you asking for it? Weren't you also outside of your dorm at this hour?" Snape raised his eyebrow and looked down at her.
"I was just following them to see where they were going, to tell you," she tried to play it off cool.
"And how does this involve you miss Sutton?" Snape said the most surprising thing while pointing at me, Hay, Ly and Blaise. I almost couldn't hold my laugh, but luckily stopped myself on the last second. Blaise and I secretly fistbumped behind our backs.
"Now everyone go to bed," Snape said turning around. Hay said the password and we all walked into the common room. Not many people were still there, most were in their dorms already getting ready to go to bed.
As soon as we got through the passage Estrid bolted towards her dorm. Luckily we didn't have to share a dorm, I think one Pansy was already enough.
Others and I also decided to go to bed, since it awas a school day tomorrow. Hopefully Draco sleeps well and isn't that tired tomorrow.
The next day
I woke up to a pillow landing onto my face once again. It was Ly towering over my bed and laughing at my face. "Next time it's gonna be water if you don't wake up," she continued laughing. Also wouldn't be the first time.
"Well next ti-" I couldn't even say anything before she ran out of the room towards the bathrooms. I pushed myself up and realized that I indeed didn't have a lot of time till classes. I had to hurry.
"I don't recommend going into the bathroom," Ly came back into the dorm quicker that expected. "Why not?" I asked.
"Estrid and Pansy are both spraying some digusting perfume," she explained and I laughed. "I'm not kidding. I nearly passed out," she had a serious face.
I then quickly got ready, put my hair in a low ponytail and put on my uniform. I also put on the ring Draco got me and the bracelet Snape got. They looked so good together. I also put on my mom's necklace that I hadn't taken off for anything except sleep for a while.
"Since you're wearing that Draco's ring, can I wear the one with the black stone," she pointed at the ring on my nighttable. "Yeah," I handed it to her. She had wanted to borrow it for so long, but I never let her, because I was wearing it myself.
"Okay, hurry up now, we need to get to class," Ly was pushing me out of the dorm room. Since when is she so excited to get to class?
Boys were already waiting for us in the common room. "Morning sunshine," I jokingly said to Draco. "Morning," he smiled a little.
"Where is my 'morning sunshine'?" Hayes asked. "Morning sunshine," I messed up his hair a little.
"Morning sunshine to you Blaise too," I turned to Blaise. "Morning honey," he jokingly winked.
Then we finally went to class. We were almost late, but luckily made it just in time. We sat down on one of the tables and waited for Snape to begin the class.

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...