Next morning I woke up to a sudden knock on the door. I slowly opened my eyes, confused who would be knocking on our dorm door that early in the morning. Not one of us in the dorm was awake for school yet.
But yet I was the one who had to open the door. No one seemed to notice the knocking, but I swear they were just pretending like they didn't hear it.
I groaned loudly and pushed myself up from the bed. I also grabbed my blanket and wrapped myself in it. I didn't want to loose any of the sleepiness, since I was gonna go back to bed.
"What is i-" I was caught off guard by Draco standing behind the door. Fully clothed like he hadn't even gone to sleep, or he was ready to go to classes already.
"Estrid's dorm is down the hallway," I said trying to manage a smile and slowly pushed the door to close.
But it didn't fully close.
I turned to look why and to my surprise between the door there was a book. A familiar book. It was a notebook with brown soft covers and a little crest on it.
It was my diary.
The one that had been lost for a while now. Why did Draco have it?
"Oh fun, another thing you stole from me. The letters were not enough?" I said pushing the door back open and roughly grabbing it from his hand.
"For starters, I found it. I didn't steal it," he said quite calmly.
I was fighting the urge to ask where he found it or where had it been, but I really didn't want to talk to him any more that I already have. Not like this at least.
I then without saying anything else pushed the door shut right in front of his eyes. Not sure if it was a little rude, but I didn't really care. My sleep, that's what I really cared about. And I was wasting the best minutes of it.
I quickly made my way back to my bed letting my body fall on it. My blanket was tightly wrapped around me, so I didn't really get to move. But I was comfortable.
Where did Draco even find my diary. Well speaking that he didn't steal it, which would make more sense. But if he didn't, who did. And where was it? And do I have to actually inform Dumbledore about that, since I kind of said I will.
At first I had thought that it was my own fault and I lost it somewhere, but now it was confirmed that it in fact was stolen.
I guess whoever stole it saw that there is literally nothing interesting nor juicy in it, so they returned it I guess. Or left it somewhere that Draco would find.
Shit, I can't sleep.
All sleepiness was gone and my eyes wouldn't even stay closed too well. Thanks a lot Malfoy.
I felt a little angry at the fact that my sleep was ruined, but there was nothing I could do about it now. I had two options. Stay in bed and wait to fall asleep, which may never happen, or get up from bed and chill in the common room completely alone.
Guess the second option it is.
I pushed myself up from the bed again and grabbed my hoodie from the end of my bed. It was cold in the common room. We are under the lake after all.
I also grabbed a book from Ly's night table that she had finished reading a couple of days ago. I had nothing better to do, so might as well. Plus she did say it was a good book. But I didn't know if I was in the mood for all that romance she talked the book was about. But who knows.

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...