When the lights from the castle finally got to our sight we heard someone call our names.
Someone's low and raspy voice. "Y/n! Draco!" It didn't sound like Blaise or Hayes. Glad to know that someone was looking for us tho.
"Draco, Y/n you in there!?" Now it sounded like Hayes. "Yeah! We're here!" I yelled back at them and we followed his voice to get out of there.
"Who are the other ones?" I turned to Draco when I saw four silhouettes. "Probably Blaise and Lynnet," he said carelessly.
"No it isn't," I squinted my eyes to see better. "Oh I think it's Snape," he said when we got a little closer.
"Perfect. Again," I mumbled. "Again?" Draco frowned.
"Thank god you're okay. We were getting worried," Blaise said as him, Hayes and Lynnet stepped closer.
"Was it necessary to tell Snape?" I whispered into Hayes's ear. "Sorry, he saw us leave and followed us here," he whispered back.
"Y/ln, Malfoy, in my office right now," Snape demanded. "It's so late c'mon," I looked at him hoping we wouldn't have to.
"Tomorrow before class I want to see you both in my office," he changed his mind. "Certainly," Draco spat. He didn't seem really happy about Snape either.
"Now go," he added looking at us all. We took a couple of faster steps and got out of there.
"Why did you go to the forbidden forest without us?" Blaise asked when we got inside. "Not my fault," I put my hands up jokingly.
"But why were you there for so long that Y/n got that cold?" Ly asked. "I wasn't the one telling her to follow me," Draco stared at Blaise.
"Sorry man, you just looked so upset and it's obvious that Y/n is good at calming you down," Blaise apologized.
I saw a little smirk curl up on Hayes's lips as he said it. But Draco didn't say anything just looked down at the ground causing awkward silence.
"Let's just go to bed," Ly said breaking the silence. "Yeah," I agreed. We had to wake up for school in less than six hours and even earlier now that we had to go to Snape's office. I really wasn't looking forward to it.
Next morning
"Up Y/n! We have to get to Snape's office!" Draco pushed the door to our dorm wide open. "What are you doing here Draco?" Pansy right away pushed herself to sit up.
"Oh don't bother getting up Parkinson, I'm here for Y/n," he chuckled giving her a disgusted stare.
"Okay, get out now," I got up from the bed. "Anything for you," he said jokingly. "Mhm mhm," I forced a small laugh pushing him through the door and closing it shut behind him.
I took my time with getting ready. It was actually part of the plan. Snape didn't specify when we would have to be there so if we get there only a little before the class starts, we probably doesn't have to be there for so long.
"So what is it? You're fucking Draco now?" Pansy got next to me in the mirror. I ignored her. I wasn't in a mood to talk to her right now, and I didn't really have time either.
"Hello?" She waved her hand in front of my face. "What are you gonna do about it?" I asked not quite responding to her. "Oh so you are fucking. Typical," she rolled her eyes.
"You are excactly how I thought you would be Y/n. A lying slut," she spat right into my face. "Control yourself," I said wiping my face.
I turned around and got out of the dorm into the common room. Draco was waiting for me. I wonder if he was still thinking about yesterday like I was? Maybe he doesn't even remember it. I don't think I should bring it up either.
"Ready to go?" He asked when I approached him. "Do I have a choice? 'Cuz if I do, I'm going back to bed," I said jokingly.
He put his hand on my back and we walked like that through the dungeons. "Hey Y/n!" Hermione walked towards us. It was weird seeing her alone without Harry and Ron.
"Oh hey Hermione," I replied, quickly pushing Draco's hand off of me. "Why are you so early?" I asked hoping to spend some time. "I was actually looking for you," she said.
Why was Hermione looking for me? We weren't friends, we barely even knew each other. "Oh really? Why?" I tried not to sound that surprised.
"I wanted to talk to you," she said "But I understand if you're busy," she looked at Draco. "She's very busy, and we should go," Draco put his hand back around me and pulled me away a little.
"Snape had to talk to us," I said with apologetic look when Draco was pulling me towards the classroom.
"What is wrong with you?!" I asked quietly making sure that Hermione was out of sight. "Let me talk to a person!" I added. He kept quiet. I know mostly he doesn't have anything descent to say, but it would be better than just shutting up.
"Hello," I opened the door. "We're here, but we have to make it quick because the lesson is starting very soon," I said confidently. Draco chuckled looking at me and Snape.
"I'm the teacher, I can keep you here for as long as necessary," he said.
I actually hadn't thought about it. Plus our first lesson was Potions so there wasn't really something we could do about it now. "But for the sake of others, I'm not gonna do it," he said. I sighed in relief.
"But during lunch you will clean up the potions classroom and rearrange the ingredients," he said firmly still remaining emotionless tone.
"During lunch? We need to eat," I raised my voice a little. "You should've thought about it before you went to the forbidden forest. For the second time may I add," he said.
"Well yeah, but-" I looked at him confused. Was he allowed to do that? Was he allowed to not let us eat. That was so unfair, all we did was go to the forbidden forest. I bet if Harry did it he would get extra points. He probably has done it!
"Fine!" I gave Snape a death stare and went to sit down at the back of the classroom, where Draco joined me.
Why is he so mean. Even to his own daughter! I don't like to think of it like that, but I should at least get something out of it. Or at least he shouldn't be so mean and punish me. It wasn't even my fault I went to the forbidden forest for the second time.
"Snape sucks," I said to Draco while looking at Snape from the back of the class. "I think he can hear you," he said smirking a little when he noticed Snape looking at us. "I hope so," I said through teeth.
"Why's Snape the only teacher you speak back to?" Draco smirked leaning back on his chair. "Uh. Well, he's the most annoying one isn't he," I said hesitantly.
"I honsetly don't mind him. At least he puts Potter into his place," he raised one of his eyebrows. "What's going on between you and Harry by the way? I still haven't really understood," I turned to him.
"Good morning!" A bunch of people came into thr classroom right before I could've gotten an answer out of him. Closely behind others were also Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"Y/n, do you want to have lunch with us?" Harry walked up to our table and looked straight past Draco. "She's busy at lunch," Draco answered for me sending Harry a death stare.
"I believe Y/n can talk for herself," He said turning his look back to me. "Actually he's right. Snape made us clean the potions classroom during lunch," I explained.
"Us?" He looked surprised. "That would be me," Draco smirked putting his hand around me. Harry's face was filled with confusion and I could sense a bit of anger. I still really wanted to know why these two hate each other so much.
"Well, maybe we can talk after that," Harry suggested. "Yeah sure," I said and he left right away, but lastly sending us a weird look.
"Take your hand off Draco," I said quietly pushing his hand away. "No I like it there," he smirked. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"Let's just get this class over with," I said seeing Snape get up to start the class.

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...