His words started echoing in my mind as everything continued in slow motion. I saw people burst out laughing.
All of a sudden I felt the paralyzed feeling coming over me again. I wanted to run, do something, but all I could so was stand there and look at him.
"Isn't Snape your dad?" I heard in slow motion. I was yelling no, but nothing came out of my mouth. I couldn't hear anything but people's laughs.
"Shut the hell up Dalton!" I suddenly heard Draco's voice from behind me. Hearing that snapped me back into real speed.
I looked around, seeing people laughing, gasping and worst staring at me. Even Blaise, Hayes and Ly had turned around to look what was going on.
All I could think was... did Rickon?
He was the only one who knew. But why would he. "Oh you didn't know Draco. Well yeah, your bitch's dad is professor Snape!" The guy's evil chuckle would not leave.
"Shut the hell up, I told you!" Draco pulled me out of his way and before I knew the guy was on the ground with Draco on top of him.
I looked around to see where was Rickon. I couldn't see him standing in the crowd. Where was he? I'm gonna kill him!
I tried to push myself through the crowd, while being pushed back by people wanting the show to continue. "Get your hands off of me!" I yelled at someone, but helplessly.
He grabbed me, trapping my arms next to my body. He picked me up and held me in the middle of all of people. It was even worse than I thought. And a lot of people were not even there. It was so humiliating.
"Let go of me, you bastard!" I yelled and stomped on his feet. "Let go of her!" Blaise demanded as he, Hayes and Ly pushed through the crowd. I guess it only matters if Draco says something, because he didn't have any intention to let me go.
People were even cheering for him and laughing even louder. "Let me fucking go!" I yelled as loud as I could. I could feel tears running down my cheeks. But next thing I know my mouth is covered, by his hand. I was trying to keep screaming but all that escaped was a mumble. What the hell!!
I saw Draco being done with the guy and he got up. Seeing people looking at one spot made him curious as well. He then noticed me.
He violently pushed people out of his way, including Blaise and others. "Who do you think you are?!" He yelled and punched the guy barely missing my face.
He threw me out of his arms and Draco and the guy didn't stop there. It got worse than I expected. All I saw was Draco's rings flickering and leaving marks on the guy's face.
I was just standing there. I couldn't turn my head away. I couldn't take a step back. I couldn't run away. Everything I wanted I couldn't.
"What is going on in here!?" I saw Snape rushing towards the crowd and people getting out of his way. "Get up!" He grabbed Draco's arm and pulled him off of him. Draco tried to get out of Snape's grip to continue, but Snape wouldn't let him.
"What is going on in here?" Snape demanded and answer, looking at Draco and the two guys with bloody faces. Draco roughly pulled his arm out of Snape's grip and looked at the guy furiously.
"I just asked if your daughter has done her homework, professor," one of the guys motioned his head towards me.
Snape right away turned to look at me. Maybe more like a stare. I couldn't tell if it was an angry stare or not so angry stare. Maybe disappointed? But I hadn't done anything. I looked at him with tears running down my face and hoping it would be just a dream and I would wake up to Ly saying I'm gonna be late, if I don't get my ass out of bed right now. But it didn't happen.

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...