When the class was over, there was supposed to be a quidditch practise which we had kind of promised Draco to go watch, although I really wasn't in a mood.
We all walked to the common room to put on warmer clothes to go watch the practise.
"How much longer?" Ly said annoyed laying down on her bed and waiting for me to get ready.
"I can join you guys if you're so impatient," I said. "You know I'm getting really hot in all of those clothes, so I am gonna leave," she got up from the bed.
"We're gonna wait for you outside," She said stepping out of the dorm.
"Okay!" I yelled after her.
I didn't want them to wait for me for too long, so I quickly got up and walked to the closet to pick out a warmer sweater.
I put on my Slytherin sweater that I loved and blue mom-jeans. I also wore my mother's necklace.
When I was done, I rushed out of my dorm to the common room. "Where you going?" I ran into Aiden.
"Oh hi, I'm going to the practise," I said. "You sure?" He asked with a smirk.
"Umm, yeah? Why shouldn't I?" I looked at him confused. "Well I thought maybe you'd stay here with me," he said.
"And do what?" I looked at him even more confused. "I heard you're good at potions and I need help with my potions homework," he explained.
"I don't know if I could help, you're a year ahead of me,"
"Yeah, but I think you can do it," he tried to convince me to help him. "What do you need?"
"I need to write a page on liquid luck," he explained. "Oh I know that potion. I could actually help you with that," I smiled.
"Great! Come here," he sat down on the sofa in front of the table that had all different books and papers on it.
I told him everything I knew for sure about it and also looked at the books to get some extra information to fill up the page.
"You're really good at potions," he turned to me with a smile. "Thank you, that's about the only class I'm good at," I laughed.
"I don't believe that," he pointed at me. "No really. I accidentally once transformed someone's cat into a goblet without knowing how to turn it back," I laughed thinking about it.
He burst laughing. "Really!?"
"Yeah! And when we got McGonagall to fix it we had to hide the cat and get it back to the common room," I kept laughing.
"We?" He asked. "Yeah, Malfoy and I," I said. "And we were almost caught by my other friends," I kept talking.
"Malfoy?" He looked lost. "Draco, you met him. The really blond one," I explained. "Oh, that one,"
"And the best part about the story is that the person whose cat it was, doesn't actually like me at all and I think she would probably kill me if she found out about it," I kept going.
"Are you with Draco?" He asked out of nowhere. "Oh no," I scoffed.
"Oh good," he said quietly.
"Well anyway, luckily we got the cat fixed and we actually didn't get into any trouble at all," I said.
"Can't wait to stay here just to get into all those situations with you," he laughed. That was kind of cute.
"Do you have anything you need help w-?" The common room door flew open. "What are you doing?" Draco rushed into the room with Blaise, Hayes and Ly behind him.
"Studying?" I said. "You were supposed to watch my practise," Draco gave Aiden a narrowed look.
"Yeah, but he needed my help with potions homework," I explained to him. "I guess your promise means nothing," he said.
"Draco he needed help," I tried to explain clamly. "Yeah, okay," he threw his hand in the air and walked out of the common room towards his dorm.
"I literally did nothing wrong," I looked at others. "Well you could've told us you weren't coming. We were waiting for you," Hayes said.
"I'm sorry, it's just that it came out of nowhere," I apologised. "We're fine," Hayes said pointing at him, Blaise and Ly.
"I have to get started with my homework too," Blaise said and they all walked to their dorms as well. Were they actually fine? It wasn't my fault that Aiden needed my help.
"Quite a character he got there," Aiden said when they left. "Who?"
"Malfoy," he said shortly. I mean he wasn't wrong."I'll have to get to my homework too," I said getting up from the sofa. "I can help," he offered.
"Are you good at transfiguration?" I looked down on him. "One of my best actually," he said jokingly with a proud face.
"No but really," he added. "If you're really good, I guess I'll bring my stuff," I smiled and left to my dorm to get the books.
"Where you going?" Ly asked when she saw that I was leaving after grabbing the books. "Aiden in helping me,"
"Really? Can you give me the answers later?" She said whispering. "Yeah sure," I chuckled and rushed out.
"I'm ba-!" I stopped when I saw Merroy pointing a wand on Aiden's trhoath. "What are you doing?" I slowly stepped closer.
"Hanging out," Aiden widened his hands and smirked at Merroy. "Brotherly love, right?" I chuckled nervously.
"What else?" Merroy answered. "Why are you actually here?!" I heard Merroy ask Aiden when I sat down on the sofa to let them finish. I actually wanted to hear that. I know it is none of my business, but I couldn't help being curious.
"I wanted to see how my little brother's doing," Aiden stayed true to his answer. "What did you do!" Merroy's voice got intense.
"Did you got expelled again?" He lowered his voice, to what I didn't hear Aiden respond. "Oh my god you did! Why this time?!" Merroy hit the table next to him.
"Did you kill anyone?" He said quietly so I could barely hear him. "No!" Was Aiden's response.
"I made a professor vanish. Happy now?" He finally said. "Vanish? What do you mean vanish?!"
"Vanshing cabinet," he said shortly. "You made a teacher vanish? Are you kidding me?!" Merroy got angrier.
"Look brother, I'm not here for you to befriend me, I'm here to go to school. So if you could stay out of my way, would be nice," Aiden said with a chuckle.
It wasn't followed by Merroy's answer and next thing I saw was Merroy rushing out of the common room.
"Sorry 'bout that," Aiden smiled and sat down next to me. "Oh wow," I couldn't say anything else.
"Could we maybe keep that between us? No one else knows about it," He asked. "Why did you only get expelled? I'm sorry but people have went to Azkaban for a lot less," I looked at him confused.
"Bigger things have been swept under a rug in Castelobruxo," he smirked. "So no one knows about it?" I wanted to make sure I understood him correctly.
"No one, including the Ministry," he said. "Oh wow. So they just expell you and then it's done?"
"Pretty much yeah. My mom was pretty mad, but that's about it yeah," he chuckled.
I looked at him terrified. Making someone vanish, isn't it like basically killing? Was he technically a murderer?
"Let's begin," he looked at me and I quickly opened the books. Maybe it was better if I didn't ask anything else about it. I didn't want to be the next one to vanish. Just in case.

Protective [D.M]
Fanfiction"Y/n, you know I would never hurt you," he took a step forward, but I kept stepping backward. "Yeah I know," I said hesitantly. "Then why are you backing up!?" He raised his voice. "I'm not, I-I just," I couldn't get words out of my mouth. "You fuck...